Patrick Dougherty

One does not skip saying "Hi" to Baby Groot just because you're in the middle of a firefight.

One hanging thread that everybody seems to be missing given the overall quality of the episode was FitzBot going and activating the army of Daisys. That's got to pay off at some point, maybe for Yo-Yo and Minor Character Squad to fight off to protect Daisy and Jemma.

It really is a terrible cheer. Roberto Luongo has the same problem in the NHL with people cheering Loouuuuu whenever he made a save.

I feel like Braun must have been chomping at the bit for a match with Big Show. He just can't, or wouldn't realistically have the opportunity to, do some of the things he did tonight against smaller opponents. This gave him a chance to show off.

Never mind Coulson's verbal takedown of Ivanov, the way he casually walked away to let Skye kick his ass without even looking back was awesome. It's actually brilliant how, while we know who the heroes and villains really are, that scene totally reversed their roles. Coulson played the smug Evil Overlord casually

"I hate inhumans. I made a pact with my sister that we'd kill each other if we became inhumans. Oh shit I'm an inhuman! Please don't kill me! Oh shit my sister killed me. Oh wait I'm alive. Gonna show my sister who's boss. Oh shit my sister was killed by an inhuman. Who hates inhumans. TOO MANY EMOTIONS."

That would actually be awesome if she voluntarily went in to find May, as a bit of a heroic final act knowing she could die at any time.

Ian Quinn made off with Graviton in the season one finale, and neither have been seen since. Probably the biggest unclosed plotthread on the show.

Angle/Shane was a good match because Angle is one of those guys who can carry anybody to a good match. Styles is in the same boat, and can make anybody look good, and since both Styles and Shane are notoriously willing to take crazy bumps, I'm not 100% opposed to this match. It's certainly much more appealing than

So to calm May down they put her back in her most traumatic experience? That can only end well.

I know everybody points to Big Red Machine Kane with the bodysuit and hockey mask as their favorite version of him, but recently WWE has been posting a bunch of old Goldberg matches for obvious reasons and it's making me realize that early-mid-2000s, post-unmasking psycho serial killer Kane is my favorite.

I'm kind of glad that they didn't capitalize on who seemed to be the biggest winner of the weekend in Tye Dillinger by prematurely calling him up and immediately burying him in the low-midcard.

I legitimately do not care about all the IWC smarks (which I consider myself one of) hating on the Lesnar/Goldberg match, I marked the fuck out at that finish. I was always a big Goldberg mark as a kid, and that played right into that. Could not have gone any better for me. I just hope Goldberg sticks around for a bit

While the quick eliminations of Breezango and the New Day from the tag team match was kind of dumb, I love the bits in aftermath - Woods playing the trombone over Breeze yelling "NOOOOOOOOOOO!", followed immediately by Woods' own "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

One of my favorite pastimes in Halo CE that I inevitably do once a playthrough is finding an Elite's corpse and melee'ing it. They produced a sizeable spray of blood, moreso than the other enemies. I would just melee it endlessly until the dozens of stacked blood textures slowed the game to a crawl, and the body was

While it's not a horror game, I am pretty much the same way every time I play the first Flood level in any given Halo game. They do a good job building up the sense of dread such that I am super paranoid and cautious, but by the end the Flood are just a bunch of running and gunning.

They need to keep the Spirit Squad around to bulk out the tag division. Remember they had to bring in the Headbangers to fill out a tournament with only 8 spots…

I get the feeling that Shades is a bigger deal than let on, not just Diamondback's goon. Specifically this exchange:

I think the guy Daisy talked to last episode, who was adding the tally to the street art, explicitly called him the Ghost Rider.

That Enzo/Cass/Jericho/Owens segment was gold, especially since it felt like Jericho's "I'm going to come down there and sit in your lap" was entirely accidental but they rolled with it brilliantly.