Patrick Dougherty

One of my favorites parts of the episode is that, for all Stick's bluster that Elektra wasn't Elektra anymore and needed to be killed, he hesitated when he had her beat. And subsequently died for his hesitation.

We are now nearing a year since the last entry in this column.

Worked with an Indian wrestling fan last year and was honestly kind of taken aback by this. He absolutely believed everything he saw in wwe was real. Made for some weird conversations as he was surrounded by smarks like myself at work.

Khali better just be another stooge for Jinder's stable, occasionally providing some head crushing or impossibly slow karate chops, maybe the odd TV match, and not actually enter into a feud with anybody.


I will throw out there that for all the McMahon-Trump connections, there's a story going around right now that Big Cass is getting backstage heat from the locker room for being an outspoken Trump supporter. While the higher ups might be conservative, the locker room has by all accounts been getting more progressive by

Yeah, hopefully SD gets something tomorrow to compensate for breaking up AA and losing Jordan.

yeah, somebody mentioned Square's games holding up well in the graphics department, but they mostly avoided realism. The one exception I can think of off the top of my head is Final Fantasy VIII, which tellingly is the hardest of the 3 PS1 FFs to look at nowaways, sandwiched between the cartoony character models of 7

Just play Dead by Daylight instead.

It's not a jab at Zayn, it's a reference to Zayn's indy days as a masked luchador named El Generico.

I actually saw it used for the first time just yesterday, on this very site I believe, and immediately managed to put together the meaning. Surprised that it's already widespread enough to become a real boy.

Naw that'd be Booker T. Who is running for mayor of Houston iirc. Meanwhile Kane is running for Nashville? And there's already a McMahon in the administration.

Honestly, with those jackets, Sheasaro has basically become the Revival while they're out for injury.

Looks like no one has mentioned that the Framework version of Aida appears to be human rather than an LMD, based on her injuries. So apparently the Framework even resolved Aida's biggest regret - not being human. Not that this is stopping her from trying to become human in the real world.

LMD Fitz is still alive out there somewhere

No mention of Mack giving Hope the nickname "Sparkplug," seemingly subconsciously naming her after Lincoln?

Not mentioned in the article is that is isn't just a nebulous "D&D movie," but rather an adaptation of the Dragonlance novels, specifically the first book "Dragons of Autumn Twilight." Dragonlance started out pretty much as a homebrew campaign, with a wholly unique and separate setting from standard D&D. Amusingly,

The resistance leader is going to turn out to be Agnes or something.

Props to Reigns for selling that hit from Strowman like he just got hit by a truck.