Patrick Dougherty

Maybe building Kane to feed him to Corbin given their brief interaction a couple weeks ago. At the same time, however, Corbin seems to feud with literally anyone who makes eye contact with him.

Desperate last resort with an obvious finish that WWE somehow botched. Bray absolutely should have came out on top in spite of Orton's interference.

This article neglects to mention the single greatest empty room in video games - the boss corridors in Mega Man games. No deep plot significance, just a simple building of tension.

I was entertained once New Day actually became involved (Big E no-selling the cane and quietly informing Kofi and Woods what had just happened was great), but Gallows and Anderson were just drowning out there and should never be let near a comedy segment again.

Was that my left bicep!?

I feel like the whole segment was simply to remind the audience that Kane exists and is on SD, as he quite literally hasn't been seen since the draft. And possibly set up a feud with Corbin? What with their little staredown and all.

She already had experience hosting The Score's WWE broadcasts before WWE hired her. Fun fact, Mauro was on the same broadcast.

I thought it'd be cool if the Rock played both Adam and Marvel, seen as how both are the forms one takes upon saying Shazam.

I don't know about you guys, but the editing/cinematography in this episode made me want to shoot myself in the face. Just so blatantly overdramatic.

One thing that was super downplayed, even when it was the red herring of the climax, and I'm surprised it hasn't been brought up all that much…

One very minor, quite possibly unintentional even, shout-out to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. which I definitely geeked out on.

I seriously almost expected the episode to end with Savage's head caved
in and establishing the Time Masters as the true big bad for the last
three episodes, trying to preserve the status quo of Savage's rule.

For all that those flashbacks kinda shat on Season 1-2… Oliver's guilt over Tommy's death teared me up more than anyone else's grief, guilt, or rage in this episode. I still miss Tommy ;_;

I'm curious as to whether they'll let James survive the season and hook him up with Daisy however briefly, as per the comics. They do butt heads rather spectacularly and he'd be a step up from Lincoln.

I feel like this episode had a lot of good elements, but was overstuffed and couldn't develop those ideas enough. This would have been better served by a multi-episode arc imo.

The thing is, they already did reference that. With one of the Flash's main characters.

Best part of the episode - cutting away to Mick passed out on the bar during the brawl after having previously challenged Sarah to a drinking contest. Sarah, meanwhile, is participating in the brawl as if she hadn't had a drop.

I was really hoping Bravely Tricky's mechanic would involve challenging your opponents to a snowboarding contest scored by Run DMC.

Bruce Wayne's World, Bruce Wayne's World
Fighting crime, excellent!

This is why people should stay off social media when drinking!