Patrick Dougherty


His use of the word "romantic" confused me on my first playthrough and I attributed to a translation slip-up. It took me a few years to learn "romantic" had more than one meaning. One that a high school student probably wouldn't know. Unless they were drama students.

The problem being that Banks was holding on to the gun the whole time. If Giyera could only control the gun, Banks should have been able to at least try and stop it instead of just letting it shoot him in the head.


Best Hunter moment of the episode:

I took it as he wasn't getting hired as a named partner, but Hogarth brought up the possibility of it occurring down the line as incentive for him to take the job.

The big finale was so disappointing and a waste of Frank. After going through the trouble of showing what looks like hundreds of ninjas on that rooftop and Frank finding an arsenal of weapons (minigun included), I was fully expecting Matt and Elektra to hopelessly go up against an army only for the tide to turn when

nah, the Dogs that turned up on SHIELD were in Nevada

Bit of weird bit as the episode did not make that clear at all, but after playing through a couple times I swear I heard a neck snapping right before Matt noticed she was gone.

Awesome potential plot twist what I hope is true brought up on IGN:

"Have I reminded you recently that I can shrink down to the size of, say, an atom?"

With her powers does she really need a dildo?

Also Mass Effect. Technically late 2007 but whatever. 2008 was a good year.

Loved watching Peggy and Dottie race to see who could escape first… only for Jarvis to beat them both.

I feel like this was Ollie's reaction as well. Shado called him out on being in love with her and he was all like "Wait what? I am?"

So… now John "Spartan" Diggle starts causing wanton collateral damage?

I said this on the last Weather Wizard centric episode, but Mardon's theme is fucking gold.

Angry correct Oliver is Amell's best acting. This was his best scene since calling out Laurel on her bullshit in season 2.

Would work better if they weren't canadian.

And then Barry promptly started swinging it around like a sword. With the grin he and Cisco gave each other, it was absolutely intentional.