
Maybe. But it doesn't mean I'm wrong. Flash got SOOOO bad when Wally joined. Literally everything about him is cancer.

When people look back of Flash Season 2 and 3 they'll realize at least 30% of the show is Wally acting like a dick and storming away and hallway confessions. At least Hong Kong had action.

It's a comic book show. Anything can happen and people never really stay dead, so we might get that Dean Cain Teri Hatcher scene still. Unless they hate each other in real life like GOT Bronn and Cercei. Personally I'd be happy if they tones down the music cues like 10 notches. On Flash and Arrow too. Jesus it gets

That hallway doesn't get enough credit for solving people's problems!

Yeah. It was great!!

The Venture Brothers did something like this with the Dean clones! One tried to kill and replace the real Dean because all he wanted was a hug.

That's what I was thinking! Like what purpose does he honestly have without Gideon and the team other than to finish that movie and open up bakery specializing in wedding cakes

So Rip bailed again to do what exactly?

I can forgive a lot of the stupidity of this show but that 40 something moron with the fem bangs that apparently forgot how to speak a lifetime of English in the 2 or so years since the world changed is BEYOND Nuke the fridge dumb.

It's really sad if it's true because there was nothing wrong with her. Let's hope if it is she stops before her face crosses that line into bad joke territory.

Willa is probably recovering from another facelift.

It's the total lack of the pull ups. That sold the whole show.

I am really hoping that Wally either dies or gets his ass royally kicked by Savatar. He is in desperate need of a "Shut Up Wesley" moment.

Wally West is the new Wesley Crusher. A little whiney prick who gets everything he wants even though he neither earned, nor deserves it. The whole Jesse this is so forced it's painful. At this point Tom Cavanagh and the fact that Iris is hot are really the only reasons I keep watching.

The only thing I didn't and found insulting was the TTG marathon before it and the endless TTG commercials bragging about new episodes every Friday. What a smack in the face. The embodiment of everything wrong with CN mocking one of the few things it truly got right. Corporate bullshit vs. heart and soul. Fingers

TBH I think appearing at either is pretty bad.

Isn't Broad City one of the embodiments of entitlement? It's a show about 2 goofy looking Jewish Princesses acting like jackasses in New York while doing the least amount of work possible. One of which is in an extremely PC interracial relationship with the prototypical "successful black male" It's like Girls, but for

True. but we could chalk that up to him not being in his right mind over Wally.

I'm cool with G rated Carl joining the cast!! You could just tell Steven had some Jersey in him!!!!

"Every immigrant living in fear" Except the ones out there committing crimes and those involved in legally becoming citizens who resent the fact that they are completely overlooked.
"Every LGBT person assaulted on the streets" Not every assault is perpetrated by Conservatives or Trump supporters. Too often much of the