I keep watching for Fiona Dorif. I feel like she is stealing the whole show!
I keep watching for Fiona Dorif. I feel like she is stealing the whole show!
Heidi and Cartman are just repulsive. It hits WAAY too close to home. We all have a friend who once they get a piece of ass they become the most beta male, boo centric PDA doing arrogant asshole that magically thinks they are superior.
But even if it IS him down the line it's great. Because right now he gets to play the victim role to the hilt. He gets to walk around proclaiming HE is the actual victim and he was wronged. How much prodding does a character like that really need to exploit it to the max and fuel his sense of entitlement.
Tom Scholz is the guitarist of the band. Though he did play all the instruments on the first record. Sorry. Music nerd here!!
You win AV CLUB today!!!!
The short haired frisky one. I love her. It's honestly a tie between her and Tyrion for favorite character. Though a VERY close 2nd is the super flexible hooker.
That was funny. They saw an attractive woman and felt immediately threatened and jealous of the attention to the point of "kill her".
Is it a prerequisite that the sands snakes have to give a speech to answer a question?
Like, the stuff we're not seeing, Obara wakes up and her mother asks her if she wants eggs for breakfast and she starts
"When I was a child my father came to me………."
"so…eggs, yes or no?"
"and he spoke of the winds as the sun lit the…
I love her.
As long as that short haired one is alive, I'm ok.!!!
But isn't that what Chuck did with his I am an officer of the law speech? Technically Ernesto was a witness to it, so it's not too much of a stretch. But given that the copy guy just seems like a regular dude, if he had to back somebody who would he choose, Jimmy, the guy who paid him, or Chuck, the nut job who…
I don't know though. WE know it's true, but given how hysterical Chuck has been acting I don't think anybody else will believe it. Especially because it all comes from the loss of a high profile client. The harder Chuck pushes the more it embarrasses HHM. How much damage will they let their name take from a guy who is…
Yeah, but Jimmy has Mike if need be to deal with the photoshop guy, and I don't think Ernesto would side with Chuck given how let down he seems by it all.
But the last thing Jimmy said before he left, was It's your word against mine." And he even stated a bunch of times how he just wanted to make Chuck feel better and he was doing this to help him. He literally handed Chuck the explanation he wanted to get him back to work. So this COULD blow up in Chuck's face, because…
Yeah, I'm a Flash fan. I hated this. Really hated it.
I could have totally dug them just hanging out. That was fun and funny. Or actually working together as opposed to just getting beat down then lucky in the most cheesy way. Love Silver Banshee though!! More of that please. But really, he was only there to ship the…
thank you!!!
When was ELP played? I caught The Stooges, the in episode one, the end song is Journey To The center of the Mind- Amboy Dukes.
All of the reviews I have read have been way too easy on this show so far. Between the hideous music, and the characters telling us what to think every 5 seconds, not to mention "James" Olson (MAGIC BLACK MAN!!), and the other guy in a possible love triangle (ugh) and thw whole Spice Girls vibe…this show freaking…
typo. fixed!
Best part of the series so far. Some writer had a childhood fantasy they held on to since 1990!!