
It is the only child friendly action movie (that comes to mind) that has an attempted rape scene.

One incarnation of Armin Zola is an android with Zola's face in the torso. It's a stretch but it would be a good link to HYDRA

The original Dawn of the Dead made exactly this point. It was metaphor for rampant consumerism at a time when rampant consumerism was but a shade of what it is now.

These 5 minutes sum up The Walking Dead quite well

I don't think that he found religion, it's just that in facing death, his nihilistic world view has been tapered by that very experience.

How old are Hatake and Daniel supposed to be? Hatake can't be older than late 40's, early 50's and Daniel was taken at the age of 4. Daniel looks like he's in his mid-20's, early 30's, so Hatake was around on the base 20 to 25 years ago?

I decided I wouldn't watch this after the first season and I think it was good decision. Reading the AV reviews so far, it really did go bad to worse and seems to have somehow surpassed that. Anyway, I've already got one show on my hatewatch list and that's The Blacklist, which is actually fun, despite being cheesy,

The Stray Observations needs to note the places Red has been to, or procured exotic things from, in the world. Those completely pointless asides are what I look forward to every week.

I've been frustrated by the number of times the reviews here have mentioned Virginia as being "magical". The show portrays her life and behaviour as not being atypical of women at the time. If there is something "magical" about her then surely it's merely a reflection of that.

No, this is TV-land and all policing authorities are incompetent, but anyway, RIP Chief Roosevelt.

This episode was just annoying from the 5 minute monologue and the dove getting run over (talk about heavy handed symbolism!) at the beginning to the end, which was supposed to be shocking, but I just didn't feel it. Maybe I've watched SoA for too long. Maybe, just like Jax and the rest of the gang, I've become

All the films on this list have been universally kicked by the critics, with the possible exception of Man of Steel. My point being that Mortal Instruments should have made the list.

Mortal Instruments: City of Bones should have been on the list. Everything given here are easy targets.

I love that the writers have managed to turn Masters trying to make his presentation bigger and better than everyone else's into a euphemism and as a result the place that he goes to to make it bigger and better is to talk about dick sizes.

The finale will just be a 52 minute montage of the characters just doing their thing done to some alt.rock cover of something a good bunch of people are fond of. There's been a lack of these in the past 2 or 3 episodes.

I could understand it if the Sons decided to just quit the gun running business suddenly, but events beyond their control keep sucking them back in, but nothing that has happened this season has suggested that.

I would love to review this show. It's bewilderingly entertaining for reasons that I can't put my finger on. It's a love/hate thing I guess.

Best thing about this episode was the lack of Agent Scowly McUseless, although in getting up and shooting a henchman, he's been the most use I've seen all season.

I love this show. I've commented before about how each show has an overarching theme and shows how each character's and couple's situation falls into that theme.

I was genuinely excited at the beginning of the episode when it dropped the team into the aftermath of the Thor 2 finale.