
Whereas other shows have the odd filler episode per season, Sleepy Hollow just keeps sprinting along. Eight episodes in and they're still coming up with new and entertaining ways of involving all the cast and throwing in new stuff.

This episode had a lot of characters getting over issues, or at least beginning to get over that, that had surfaced earlier in the season, that were in one way or another a cross to bear for each of them. Masters seems more chipper and upbeat in general and looks like he's now enjoying 'performing' the study, rather

This week Homeland felt like an episode of 24. A stakeout that leads to more questions than answers. A character that's been in the background suddenly turns out to be some sort of spy. A law firm's employee is actually a hitman. Saul in Caracas meeting Brody.

This diversion, for that's what it is, seems a little off to me. The Governor's been established as a very evil character - last season was all about seeing him do one despicable act after another. Now we have an episode where we're supposed to see some kind of redemptive quality in the guy, but we know that there

It could be worse. You could be bored and be stuck with a bunch of people who spend a lot of time arguing amongst themselves, whilst occasionally having to fight off the zombie horde, just to break things up a little bit…..

A bit of a 'meh' episode. But the attention to detail is very cool and my own realisation that, damn, Nick's underwater for a long time - oh it's the zombie powers at work! Cool!

This could easily be one of the worst (in a silly sort of way) TV shows going - that honour goes to The Blacklist - but everything about it is great. The relationships in the show are believable and interesting (that doesn't include the boring cop, Morales, by the way). The plot moves along at a pretty fast pace and

Some stray observations of my own.

The conversation between Saul and Javadi reminded me a lot of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" which is a film where much of the time is spent watching old guys talk about spying.

Renard gets the final word: "and this little piggy went to jail…" Case closed. Horatio Cane would kill for a zinger like that

I enjoy the Whedonesque dialogue. It's a trademark of his writing style and gives any darker material a lightness that might have otherwise been missing. It basically reminds you that you are just watching a TV show / film, so chill out.

Saw Thor 2 yesterday and loved it. On the plus side, the dialogue, especially the one liners is strong, the touches of detail e.g. Thor hanging up his hammer in Jane's flat, seeing more of Asgard and the final set piece in Greenwich which looks like it was chosen because it had a feeling of oldey worldy-ness about it

That's it. Secret Avengers, part of the Marvel Now series

I always got the impression (mostly from the JT letters) that she, together with Clay, was plotting to kill him, but until this episode didn't know how much involvement she had.

The SHIELD of the comic books are a nasty bunch of so and so's, not least Coulson and Fury.

What, no mention in the review about poor Lasky? I had hoped that he'd have lasted a few more episodes.

This is just another TV show where the cops/FBI/whoever they are are woefully inept. Dare I say it, more inept than the agents in The Following.

I'm not sure it's in the FBI's remit to order firefighters to remove their gear but to hell with the rule book when they allow super criminals loose to fly half way around the world and chat to their criminal buddies

I like the juxtapositioning of the 'mean doctor's' (sorry, but I've never caught her name) feminist point of view to that of Virginia's feminist point of view. The fact that one believes that she has earned the title through her studies and hard work, whilst the other has earned her position, purely by her life

This show is extremely bad. It's got an exciting and interesting premise, but is hampered by a bad narrative, clueless logic and an awful script. It's especially bad because you've got Agent Scowly McUseless not only being a douche to Agent Pretty Blank, but also getting a firefighter to remove his gear so that he can