Comic Nerd

Maybe Hawkeye has a beer and cheets on his wife.

"and so many Whedonisms, if you dig that sort of thing" I think personally there were too many Whedonisms in Age of Ultron. I like Whedon but I tend to find that too often his characters don't have their own voice. I can see the difference in Civil War and Age of Ultron in this respect. Civil War did a good job of

I blame alot of the movies issues on Whedon. The Hawkeye farm, the romance , trying to bring in Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Vision, and having Ultron be less intimidating didn't help things. Yeah the Thor dream walker sequence was weird and out of place but that one scene didn't ruin the pacing of the rest of the

It was also amazing for not showing the Dino'sin the marketing

I remember there was Rubio on a skateboard thing toys out that christmas

It doesn't help that everything looks like leftover broadway sets

The Lost World never feels like Speilberg directed it except for that cracking glass scene, everything else is half assed and he should ditch his regular cinematographer anytime he creates a popcorn movie. His work is great for Saving Private Ryan but stinks for Indy and the Lost World.

I remember being superhyped to see it in theatre at Christmas, I think it was the 1st time I can remember being truely disappointed with a movie.

They are too expensive.

Got a fright and thought Blake Lively was going to be the new Bond girl.

Isn't this the same Jeff Loria who ruined the Montreal Expos too?

Ok I'm rereading the Avengers in Marvel Unlimited now , does anyone else think that Renner is miscast as Hawkeye. I mean I like the guy as an actor but he doesn't reflect at all Hawkeyes personality.

As someone else mentioned , with TV ratings dropping the accuracy is going to become more of an issue. If 25 million are watching or 21 million it's probably not a huge difference in ad prices , but 1 million or 600,000 is.

These are situations that should have been thought of, Neilsen's entire business is providing ratings information to advertisers and networks. If your whole business model is providing metrics, you should be good at it.

It's both clever and a sad reflection on how Neilsen obtains it's ratings information

Ok my confusion was they way I thought Nielsen ratings were calculated. I somehow assumed it was some kind of voluntary reporting.

The article isn't really clear on how mispelling the name of the show leads to better ratings?

I think Jerry Maguire is a great movie, but the romantic relationship part of the movie is my least favourite part.

I remember being completed interested in the community centre or whatever more so then anything to do with Bullock and Grant getting together

I don't disagree there, especially the last few seasons. There were a couple of episodes where just him and Andie hung out for some reason and they seemed to work.