Comic Nerd

Are Martin and Guillermo Del Toro related?

Are Martin and Guillermo Del Toro related?

Trump is in perpetual campaign mode. He likes the attention but hates the actual job. Why does he keep having these rally's when he should be working

Half the time he doesn't look like he took the effort to shower and wear anything other then what was on top of the laundry heap. I would like to see Sandler make a movie where he starts off like his slobby self and has a makeover in it.

Adam Sandler with a sport jacket on and a a button up shirt ? Not dressed up by any means but less of a slob then his newer movies.

He can't help it, everything is about him. I just pray we don't have any major natural disaster or things that require him to address people to comfort them.

I'd like to see a discussion of movie scores and songs that were great but attached to shitty movies.

In this day and age, I'm sure if you can remove safety harmlessness digitally, removing a helmet is no big deal.

I made the mistake of heading to Applebee's in Times Square, it was late we were hungry and our first time in New York. Not having Applebee's where I live in Canada, I thought how bad could it be, 80 bucks and 2 rubber boot steaks later and I swore off chain restaurants for the rest of our trip

Being from Canada can anyone tell me how well CBS all access functions? I remember Yahoo embarrassing attempt at a streaming service

What's lost in the discussion is that very few of these streaming services are technically sound. As much as I like Disney catalogue they have a poor track record when it comes to consumer tech. Netflix is popular because it's reasonably priced, has a decent catalogue and is relatively easy to use and stable.

I'm not even sure a strong script would help, the characters in his movies seem disconnected and unengaging, no matter who the actor is.

His visuals can be great if he would ease off on some the colour grading his has tended to use lately.

I find Snyder is able to craft interesting looking shots but is unable to stitch them together in an engaging story. Especially with 300 and Watchmen, I feel like I'm watching a slideshow of images.

If Star Trek Discovery is a failure will the CBS streaming service follow suit? Who really wants to pay for thousands of hours of NCIS or JAG?

and whose client will be as wonky as Yahoo Screen

That's the thing with the Hobbit Trilogy some of it is pretty good but it's ruined by large sections of stupidity like the barrel escape and the goblin kings overlong video game level.

It's one of those movies where the location is another character in the movie. It's alot like ChinaTown in that regard.

I think Jackie Brown is the most mature of Tarantino's movies,.

It made no sense either, the 1st movie did pretty well, so at the very least Annihilation should have captialized on that. Instead it lost half the cast, had a newbie director and seemed to want to jam in every MK character in. Oh it's Sub Zero, see ya later.