Comic Nerd

The only problem with Amazon is that their streaming service from what I have seen of it was crap. The content is fine but the actual deliver method has been riddled with issues.

I think DIsney would be able to make a go of it, provided they are reasonably priced, have a decent app and are available outside of the US. The big failure in a lot of these streaming services is the poor quality of the application or site it uses to stream it's libraries. Netflix has a pretty solid platform in

They show doesn't even acknowledge Kelly or Jessie at all in the Tori episodes. It's like some alternate dimension

Sony had a bad habit of creating their own standards for media that most times was awkward and way more expensive then the alternative.

Stock value to me is not real money, look at the valuation that Uber and Tesla had, all of it is based on various future considerations. Enron , Groupon and countless others should prove that it's quite easy to overvalue something.

I wish Apple would make ITunes a little more friendly for transferring songs. The frustrating part of Itunes is it's fine syncing songs , until it doesn't. Once it decides that songs aren't going to get copied over it becomes a nightmare to troubleshoot.

Diamonds clearly spent all it's money getting Connery back, there was nothing left for interesting production design or decent costumes.

Glad to see someone else hated that plot point too. It didn't make sense to have Batman retired after only seeing him in 2 movies, same with Bond.

I think the difference with some of the other Bond girls was that they were foreign and exotic, having an accent goes a long way to covering up some bad acting.

I would blame all of Marc Foster's direction, alot of the movie's problems stem from the writer's strike. It starts off ok and has a few good sequences but looses it's way in the middle.

Sorry Oxford but Cabot Cove is the murder capital of the world

Not even really a car chase either, just 2 guys driving their cars around Rome.

I don't think the extent of these reshoots are a result of Snyder having to take time off. This movie has been filming for a very long time. Marvel builds in reshoots to it's schedules, that way actors are under contract to be available. Look at the BvS that had almost a year of post production and still ended up with

I use my iPad for web surfing now, it seems like anytime I have do anything more my laptop needs to reboot or is stuck on the supposed quick login. I pretty much stick with my windows 7 desktop and gave up using the windows 10 laptop.

I like it for quick screenshots.

This is what concerns me about this model for future windows updates. Paint does suck but it should be my descion what software remains on my PC. It sucks customizing windows 10 only to have the update reset it all.

I don't understand what people hate about it , to be honest. It's fun, wild visuals, it's entertaining in a way the Jupiter Ascending didn't manage to be.

Outside of the Mansion attack and Magneto's escape the rest of the movie just drags for me.

There is hardly a middle act in the movie. It goes from The Mansion attack to going to Alkali Lake.

The dinner scene was a great prologue to adventure. Had they stuck with the 2 movie concept it would have worked better. The real problem with the 1st Hobbit movie was the incredibly long and over the top Goblin sequence.