Comic Nerd

They had a lot of chemistry together in the movies as well.

I know this isn't a rom-com but did anyone ever think that Dawson should have ended up with Andie on Dawson's Creek?

I thought Natasha had ton of chemistry with Captain America in Winter Solider. As much as Whedon is known as a writer of female characters, I thought Natasha was better handled in the Russo movies.

I wondered where his bike was and his cool stuff in his house.

I'm impressed that the 4th one wasn't direct to video. It seemed like a natural to happen but good on them to bringing people back.

It's funny but The Chipmunk Adventure seemed to be the template for every tv cartoon turned into a movie. They all had to be a big road trip or globe trotting adventure. That movie was great , the animation was fantastic, especially during 87, when even Disney was falling down on the job.

Angry Birds was awful, but the new Smurfs movie was pretty boring as well.

Sony paid for it but most of the decisions were made by Fiege and Marvel.

I think for me Raimi overdid the down on his luck aspect of Peter. Raimi made Peter the bumbling Clark Kent instead of a regular guy. I think that's why I could never get into Spiderman 2, I really didn't buy Macguire as Peter/Spiderman, he was just too much of a sadsack pushover. Also the movie never made any case

Can someone explain the reverence for Spiderman 2? I mean the action is great but everything outside the set pieces are dull and a rehash of the first movie. MJ is insufferable and McGuire is just not a good Peter or Spiderman.

When Quicksilver isn't on the screen, all the characters should say, Where's Quicksilver?

Sony is desperate for a franchise of some sort. They botched the Amazing Spiderman series, Ghostbusters was a non starter and they may very well lose Bond. They are grasping at straws, and Sony in general is not in the best financial health.

It better be in slow motion too, we need to be able to make out the details so we know why Batman is the way he is.

It was all so random in the middle of the movie. Quicksilver just decides to go check in on the school right at the moment it's blowing up. I could even handle the blowing up if it wasn't an accident caused by Havok.

If there are any 2 characters I remember from all my years of reading X-men it's Quicksilver and Mystique, man those guys are just the heart of so many issues.

I thought Affleck overdid the training. I get the look Snyder was going for with Batman, but I always thought Batman should be leaner , more agile. Batfleck looked like he'd have trouble putting his hands over his head.

I wonder if part of it was Netflix realizing by not finishing the show they had sabotage any viewers picking it up. No one wants to get invested in a serialized show that doesn't get a wrap up.

Not at all, I just think he isn't the right kind of guy for features. It works better on tv where there is a pre-existing style.

I think Generations had the potential to be a good Movie TNG. It's the only TNG movie to me that looks like it belongs on the big screen. They needed a better script and slightly bigger budget. I think the movie starts off ok but has no idea what to do with the Nexus , and that sad fight with the Klingon Bird of Prey

I would say he can thrive as a journeyman TV director. He doesn't bring much to the table creative wise, just point and shoot. Nothing too visually spectacular, just a solid representation of the script.