Comic Nerd

I would say in my opinion, none of the TNG movies really were good enough to warrent the cast getting back together. Even the overhyped First Contact wasn't much more then a 2 part episode.

I really found Voyager to be the blandest look of the series. I'm not sure what it was, I thought the uniforms looked cheaper then later DS9 and TNG series. The cast were mostly bland actors too. I just could never get into it.

I don't understand a country that views owning guns as a right, but healthcare is consider a personal responsibility. The Constitution wasn't passed down by God to the founding fathers.

Azkaban is missing a few key details regarding the mauraders that could hav easily been left in.

Diehard Inhuman fans, good one.

No love for Right Said Fred?

Agreed, it needed a better take on Ultron, but the tone for the most part is pretty consistent, not like the mess that was Spiderman 3

The worst part of Jurassic World is that the actual premise was pretty interesting, having a working park and everything. If it wasn't for the bland humans, lack of actually playing up the park and just pedestrian shot selection it might have been a good movie.

I know Whedon has expressed his frustration about AOU but if you step back alot of the problems with AOU are Whedon's fault as well. Ultron characterization and the farmhouse are all Whedon's stuff.

I think Reeves take on Batman sounds great. Batman movies in my opinion should be smaller then say a Superman movie.

As a Canadian , is Hulu any good?

I don't know why someone hasn't started a streaming service for old sitcoms. Anything even 1 seasoners . I mean it's not like that catalogue is out there doing anything right now.

Next up why Chris Columbus had so many scenes of kids screaming in the camera

I prefer Elan Sleazebaggano

Sony and Amy Pascal's plan for Spiderman spin offs reminds me a bit like your Mom going out and getting you Star Wars action figures, looking proud she got something you liked, only to discover you got the fat rancor trainer, a AT-AT pilot and a non-Wicket ewok.

Family Feud always surprises me with the stupidity of the survey answers

I get the feeling the MCU's music score issues had to do with the cheapness of previous MCU management

Actually he filled in to fix Brian Tylers score which he couldn't finish or wasn't up to par or something.

It was Elliot Goldenthal who "scored" it, to be fair, I'm not even sure he actually worked on the movie or if they just took the score from Batman Forever and edited the movie around it.

Seems like he might be the default choice.