What downgrade from 2001 to marooned the following year.
What downgrade from 2001 to marooned the following year.
I don't mind the clerks asking if you need help, too many stores the opposite happens. Trying to find a clerk to get you a size of shoes or unlock the cabinet to get the electronic you are looking for and they are rarer then a bigfoot siteing
Personally having only been to Hooters once, I found the controversy over the uniforms to be overblown. There a ton of restaurants were the staff are required to dress in form fitting sexy outfits, no worse then what Hooters is known for.
The biggest difference in the 2 movies is that the 2nd Sin City is boring.
That picture just reminds me how it's possible to stay true to the Superman suit, yet complete mess it up.
The 80's kid in me things this would have made an awesome toy line
I think both ruined it, Lucas with his insistance on the alien storyline , that neither Ford or Spielberg really bought into. Spielberg because he got lazy and shot most of the movie on soundstages, and it looked like it.
Carrie had a great career as a writer but hadn't really acted alot lately, and it shows in Force Awakens. I respect bringing back the same actors but Leia didn't feel like the same character from the OT. Look at Pacino in the Godfather Part III, it feels like a completely different character.
I just wonder how big her part really is intended to be in EP9. Leia didn't really have a big part to play in TFA. EP7 has it's issues, there aren't enough quieter moments to balance out the action and not being too stuck in the EP4's designs, but I was surprised how much I enjoyed the new characters. I mean Leia,…
I think the use the term Celebrity pretty loosely on these shows. "Some people who may have heard of at sometime" Apprentice
I actually would argue that Forever is worse the Batman and Robin. At least B&R is an all out cheese fest, where as Forever actually seems like somewhere there was a seed of a solid movie undone but horrible overacting and a terrible production design
89 Batman also has this really strange small soundstage look to it. As great as Gotham looks, the whole movie is relegated to the town square for the most part. It become obvious during the Batmobile chase when it passes the same theater as the opening, and a few blocks we had already seen.
I didn't realize Mrs. Garrett was the 1st contestant on the Price is Right. I wonder if Tootie, Jo, Blair and Natalie show up too?
It's funny, I know who Zsa Zsa Gabor is, every 80/90's sitcom had her appear it seems with the audience cheering. Aside from playing herself I have no idea how she got so famous.
I always thought that the Jim Carrey Grinch movie is one the ugliest big budget movies I have ever seen. There is a weird foggy haze to the visuals and Howard, who was never more then visually pedistrian, uses dutch angles in almost every shot. At the very least the live action movie needed someone who could produce…
I like to think that in some alternate universe Bassett was Storm in 2000's X-men
A Link To The Past was one of the games the cemented for me the leap that the SNES was over the NES. I remember being amazed at the rain, the multi-plane backgrounds, and the music. There was a real art to designing 2D games that holds up better then early 3D games, especially on the PS1
The show actually goes out of it's way to obscure the nudity in the framing of shots as well.
60's Sci-fi also was told by whatever was lying around in the studio backlot.
The Trolls aspect of the movie seem like they were left over from a previous version, but had spent the money on the designs and left them in.