Comic Nerd

Isn't that a staple of CW superhero shows? Barry and Iris and Oliver and Laura never had any chemistry.

Once Lex died L&C just couldn't maintain anything outside of the the L & C relationship.

From what I read Kasdan was approached at some sort of event, with the movie ready to shoot in a few weeks after.

You mispelled Sin City 2

I've always liked the look of Tim Burton's movie but they rarely feel like complete narratives. He seems more concerned with his admittedly interesting visual style but doesn't have an eye for a well structured screenplay.

This show sounds like a decent concept but it really belongs on Syfy/CW, or something like AMC. It just seems that the big networks have a predefined mold for casting , every show has a blandly generic cast.

Wasn't Kanye in a bunch of debt? Just sayin

I think the movie also doesn't get enough credit for how much location is part of the character of the movie. Another movie I would compare it to in this regard is Chinatown.

So many kids toys now are the equivalent of single use kitchen gadgets. Sure it's cool that a robot kitty can roll around and do tricks but how many times are you actually going to play with it?

Can we also have a new Teddy Ruxpin show? That was one of the 1st shows I ever watched that was actually serialized.

I always thought CDII was the longest movie I had ever watched at the time. For some reason the kidnapping and the trip to Australia felt like 2 completely different movies.

I still remember seeing the Young Einstein poster in my theater. The good old days were you had no idea a movie was coming out until it was a poster on the wall in your local theater.

So is this a reboot or is he MacGyver's son?

To be fair Home Improvement was one of those shows that the whole family could sit down and watch, it wasn't a great show by no means, but family friendly sitcoms are few and far between these days.

Here is a question I would like answered, how did Star Trek IV get nominated for a Best Cinematography Oscar?

I always felt like Enterprise lived up to the concept of Voyager better then that show did. The whole Xindi arc explored a ship on it's own and the limitations it faced, they had to steal a warp drive sure.

It always seemed like Voyager was filled with bland extras from other Star Trek rather then people who could carry a show.

My biggest issue with Into Darkness is not only the Khan stuff but that it repeats so many of the beats of Star Trek 09. Consult with Old Spock, repeat of the space dive scene, another large ship etc.

"Brown and Beige"

It's the kind of movie not made much anymore. It feels big , yes it's a slow movie but there is an epic feel to it that is missing from even the Abrams megabudget movies.