I think judging by the new Terminator movie, Thor 2 was probably saved from Alan Taylor mess.
I think judging by the new Terminator movie, Thor 2 was probably saved from Alan Taylor mess.
Daredevil directors cut clears up the narrative a bit but it doesn't fix the bad CGI, backlot street sets and shoehorning in Elektra. It was like they tried to condense every major Daredevil comics event into one film.
Mark Miller seemed to right most of the Ultimate characters as a -holes.
Nope your not the only one.
I thought Professor X was paralyzed in an attack by Lucifer , didn't something fall on him?
The Claremont/Lee era of X-men really didn't run that long. maybe 20 or so issues.
He hires his buddies both infront of and behind the camera. I don't have an issue with him making comedies but at least put some effort behind it. Columbus has been a good writer and a mediocre director.
I had a hard time with Ultimate Comics Spiderman, and David Lafuentte's art. The stories were still good but the characters weren't recognizable visually anymore. There is one thing to bring your own style but they still have to look like the character.
It's amazing reading X-men on Marvel Unlimited and seeing the huge drop off after Claremont leaves. Not only did X books stories take a downturn but the art was never consistent either.
Good maybe now Sandler will have to hire real directors for his movies and not his buddies. Also maybe he could shower and get a haircut, stop making his characters be slobby losers with well paying made up jobs.
If I have one other annoyance with Marvel Unlimited, is that it doesn't do a good job of connecting books together. Such as Ultimate Spiderman, becoming Ultimate Comics Spiderman etc. It would nice also when cross overs occur that it would give you the option to go to the next issue in the cross over not the next…
Does Sandler even care anymore, his movies lately he looks like he just rolled out of bed and started shooting.
Chris Columbus is about as generic a director as you can get. I'm sure there is a scene in the movie with all of the characters looking at the camera and screaming. He is actually a pretty good writer, I love Goonies and Young Sherlock Holmes. He really needs someone else to direct.
You have to remember, in the late 80's early 90's the Avengers was basically the dumping ground for anyone who couldn't support their own title.
Not enough credit is given to Marvel (regardless of what you think of the movies) for building huge blockbusters out of characters who would barely crack the top 20 in Comic Book sales. Fox has never been able to turn the X-men , arguably Marvel's 2nd biggest property , into the same level of success.
Aside from the headache of viewing 3D, I always found it shrinks the viewing window. Watching a movie in IMAX you get a full field of vision, but add 3D to that and it's like I'm watching an IMAX movie through a viewmaster.
The only annoyance with Marvel Unlimited is when random blocks of issues are missing from the back catalog. I'm reading through X-men and while Uncanny is complete, the rest of the titles are missing blocks of issue, which sucks when it comes to the yearly crossover
I have the Marvel Unlimited on my tablet and I love it. It's not the same as getting that new comic smell but the colours are bright and I can get complete collections for some series. I don't see how anyone could read it on a phone though , the Ipad screen is just right size.
Is Escape from LA on this list? The opening underwater sub shot looks like something that would have played in a postage stamp sized window on Sega CD.
My exposure to Hank Pym was mostly as a scientist for the West Coast Avengers where he just fixed stuff and worked in the lab.