Comic Nerd

Has anyone read Avengers #1 in a while? Wasp is essentially the token female character whose main job it seems is to make googly eyes at Thor and cheer on Ant-Man

Image comics has sure come along way from the early days of X-men ripoffs and bad Liefeld art.

I would like Fox to make an X-men movie first

I'd like to see someone adapt Timeline and Eaters of the Dead into movies. oh wait…

Columbus stuck so closely too the book that the movies ended up feeling like a coles notes versions of the book with no personality. Once Cauron came in he made the movies look and feel like movies. Yes some things got cut that shouldn't have but the movies had personality.

Most of the YA adaptions tend to suffer from franchise setup. They spend so much time laying the group work for sequels, they forget to make a compelling movie. Harry Potter became a hit from the strength of the source material, somewhat inspite of Chris Columbus generic direction. Percy Jackson didn't have Steve

She would never make it in to Playboy now, it's pretty much the blond clone book now

Star Trek IV. The crew faces off against a giant advanced ship while a time travelling Chekov helps them out.

I think the homogenization of cable TV is killing the industry. At least streaming services allow people to watch the type of content they like to watch.

The Brosnan-Bond movies never seemed to elevate themselves above other summer movies. Unlike the older Bond's they brought in bigger name directors, but they weren't good big name directors.

While I enjoyed the Rocketeer, I feel like the movie is just missing something to push into more memorable status. I don't know if it's Joe Johnston's direction or the blandness of Bill Campbell? I can't put my finger on it what's missing.

I think Campbell was out of depth in a big VFX movie. Oddly unlike any of his other movies, except maybe Vertical Limit, the earth bound sequences look cheap and uninspired. It's odd considering this is the same man who made Mask of Zorro and Casino Royale look fatastic.

How many writers do you need to have a movies about giant robots fighting each other?

I'm not saying that finishing plot points was bad, but they have been rushing through things like finding the city, killing off Whitehall and Trip's none involvement. As for Ward, I just find his entire story seems like a completely separate show.

For me this season of AOS seemed like 2 different shows. Everything that happened after the break seemed like it was on a completely different plotline then the 1st half. Season 2 was much better then Season 1, but it seemed the show runners were trying hard to address the criticisms of Season 1. Plot lines seemed to

If we have learned anything from Marvel,is that they can take any C grade character and make them into a successful movie.

Man, I miss 80's fantasy cinematography like Excalibur.

Did the studio just have a rejected disney channel script lying around that they were contractually obligated to make? Let's slap an old 80's cartoon title on it. This reminds of the old Marvel movies from the 80's and early 90's like the Punisher, Nick Fury and Generation X .

From the company that signed the paychecks for the last big movie..

Your thinking of Soul Man. He was a priest or something. I think I watched to much TGIF back in the day