Comic Nerd

Poor Joey, he never had any character development and never had a steady girlfriend in all the seasons.

Thunder Alley, also starring Haley Joel Osment and Jim Beaver, I think it had a single mom moving in with her dad at his garage or something.

Someone should just adapt the Gabriel Knight series on AMC, HBO or Netflix.

It seems like any services that can stream video is trying to create an original series. I just don't know where they get the budge to do a quality show. Community is ok but Yahoo Screen is an awful interface and service, at least Netflix is available on a number of devices and has a pretty good interface for the most

I guess if it's on CBS Supergirl will be solving weekly murders using a variety of computer databases and crime scene recreations.

ugh Rob Cohen. Who are the ad wizards who came up with that one.

I think at some point you have to look at the common denominator in this and it's Shonda. It's getting harder to believe that everyone who was written out of the show was some sort of diva. Washington leaving we can understand because of the controversy but both Heigl and Knight had issues with the way their

I remember eating at Checker's a few years back and thinking it looked and tasted an awful lot like Rally's. Keep in mind I'm from Canada where the concept of re-branded restaurants is a bit foreign to me.

I've been finding that later half of the season the writers are not developing the more interesting parts of each episodes plot. This week the Leonard/Penny graduation thing was stronger then the other half but they kept cutting away. The same with Howard's half brother, or Howard hosting a meal with the leftover food

I even rented all 3 Captain America movies, 2 from the 70's and the 90's one.

Deknight's direction is the only thing I can point to why this episode feels so visual different then the rest of the series. I felt like the location for the Fisk/Daredevil fight was sort of bland too, it need rain or something less generic then a small alley.

I agree with you, the movie is structured up until the Mall shoot out to make you think that the T-1000 could be a good guy.

It seems strange that Psylocke is now older then the original X-men.

This is Bryan Singer's X-men none of the characters have any personality outside of their powers.

you mean the black leather unitard with multiple belts, straps and zippers

Oh man another Rob Cohen movie, I can never get enough of that guys awesome movies.

It's even worse when there is a returning contestant, it becomes a game of what boring anecdote can they dig up about the person.

Sounds like the movie is going to take place in the real world. Sounds like they are pulling a Masters of the Universe on this.

This is a great idea, Mcdonald's Breakfast is far better then other restaurants, and taste better then their day menu.

Did Coach have a son? I know he had a daughter.