Comic Nerd

It'll be interesting to see how the 2nd half of the season makes out now that we have a character with powers.

The writers never seem to know what to do with the kids once they are born. I guess child labour laws and finding a good child actor don't help. Most times they end up like Ben and Emma on friends where the basically are abandoned unless it's convenient for the storyline.

Am I the only one wondering how is that Damon Wayans has a son that old? I guess he is one of those actors that doesn't look his age.

If someone wanted to argue for the portrayal of men in media they should cast their gaze on TV Advertising. It's rare to see a man shown as anything more then a doofus who can't cook, clean, take care of the kids without the help of his his super wife.

It looks pretty goofy yet fun, the only thing really turning me off is Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis as the leads.

At least I'm not the only who remembers NFL SuperPro (hides Superpro comic sheepishly)

I'm surprised to see anyone putting Superman Returns at the top of the list. For me Superman Returns is a step above Superman IV , mostly because the production values. Superman 3 is like Warner Bros made a Superman movie and a Richard Pryor comedy and didn't have the money to release both and just edited them

One of the many issues with Superman Returns is that it seems that somewhere in production someone realized that Routh couldn't act and gave him nothing to do. Aside from lifting stuff he rarely speaks or interacts with anyone.

It just doesn't look like the Fantastic 4 at all. That aside I can live with some changes, but the movie has an overwhelmingly cheap/generic sci fi feel too. It's decently shot but what concerns me is that it seems a large percentage of the trailer takes place in a military base with very few effects shots. Kinberg

Don't forget it's the movie that introduced us to Space Dock. Star Trek III doesn't get enough credit for really opening up Star Fleet

I also think Mann's own Collateral makes great use of digital with the lighting but I agree PE looks like something from the History channel

I hated the photography in this movie. It's not a very engaging but it's really hard to get past how ugly this movie is.

I have to disagree, part of my issue with the movie is that it was so loaded down with dull characters and constant exposition that any bit of fun got sucked out of it.

There were so many strange names and places thrown out in the 1st few minutes of John Carter that I had no idea what the hell I was watching.

And by Great you mean horrible right?

This is the movie with horrible organ music score that completely destroys what little this movie does have to offer.

It was one the first games to be encoded for dolby surround sound. The game was one of the best sounding games I can remember.

Damn made this comment before I watched the video.

The CGI in the movie would be great if it was from an early 90's CD-ROM game shown in a postage stamp size video window.

Not the only one I was disappointed that DOFP jettisoned the willingness of First Class to embrace the comic book roots.