John Everyman

On just a glance, that's definitely pretty fugly.

Can someone fill me in why everyone's talking like this comment section is dying tomorrow? I'm not familiar with Kinja, is it truly that bad? Surely an interface change can't be bad enough to kill this wonderful comment community

I was gonna say I'm not familiar with Kinja, but… is that the awful comment system that IGN uses?

I guess I've never viewed 300 in any sort of critical analysis mode. When I see it, I always just saw it as a dumb, really good looking (in a certain sense) action movie that's purely meant to give you a fist pump. It's dumb as a movie can possibly be, for sure (those CGI abs…), but I never got the impression it was

That's what I heard on the Reddit at least, I haven't read anything to do with the Hand myself.

May be an odd statement on this site of all places, but I've never understood why we have to be so strictly principled in our opinions on pop culture. Example: I have a soft spot for 300, I'll watch it with my dad whenever it's on, yet I still think the writing is terrible and largely hate Zack Snyder.

Very well said. I think people don't like to acknowledge how common it is to believe strongly in an ideal, yet not be able to live up to them yourself. Buffy is still a great show with many feminist messages. Joss Whedon just wasn't able to live up to them in his own life.

In the comics at least, I think The Hand were responsible for the creation of Hydra.

You make it sound like gay men are the Illuminati, eternally guarding the dangerous secrets of Butt Stuff.

Links for the lazy?

Personally, I think they should heavily kick up the universe building with the "phase two" of TV shows. Punisher can probably get away with being a solo show. Jessica Jones season 2 should be, first and foremost, focused on Jessica and her struggles, but I think could easily get away with a cameo from Luke Cage, and

Philosophical quandary: is it possible to hate racism, and hate the word "woke" with an equally fiery intensity?

Yeah, it bugs me that Jon is not bringing Ghost north of the Wall

This is perfect. Really captured how random and disjointed the soundtrack of that movie was to what was actually happening on screen. Except yours matched perfectly

I actually really liked that touch. Arya has learned a ton, but in terms of being a slimey little weasel, Littlefinger is still the master. Nice to be reminded of that.

Ha. Hadn't thought of it that way before.

I don't think they want to bring a wight. I think they want to bring one of the real deal White Walker race back. At one point in the books, don't think this happened in the show, Alistair Thorne brought back some zombies to the throne in an attempt to convince them, and they disintegrated by the time they got to the

That honestly does make me wonder: if Tywin Lannister was confronted with irrefutable evidence that a race of Ice Zombies were not only real, but on their way to destroy ALL of human kind, would he put aside his ambitions for the good of the realm? Or would he truly use that apocalypse as a distraction to go all Red

I actually think Sansa will do it, or order Arya to do it. It's how she will regain Arya's trust.

The real Suicide Squad