John Everyman

Hmmm, what's an example of that kind of movie? I find often the fun tends to translate, if it was a labor of joy. As opposed to something like Transformers, which is a big budget corporate thing where all the actors look like they're deeply thinking about their paychecks

What is erect may never die.

The thing that got me, that no one else has commented on, is that shot of the horses RUNNING in fear from the fire… but they're attached to the burning cart. Those horsies are screwed

The lance wouldn't have bothered Drogon much. But a lance going through Dany… that would bother her.

Jon: "So here are some drawings I found. Look at them, they're totally ancient, we should team up."

No way eight inches, Tormund said it's really small. But Tormund is a "giantsbane", so his definition of small might be skewed.

Screw being a Knight. Davos is basically a professional fanboy. And he's VERY good at what he does.

Dany has telephones created specifically to troll Jon all the way up in the North.

I have to wonder how much those help, as I have had my own suicidal episodes, and refused to call any of those Suicide Hotlines, out of assumption that it would be very patronizing. If they help even one person, however, it's worth it.

Wow, does it defeat Fear the Walking Dead for the "Most Unlikable Cast" honor?

Tull would be an amazing action scene. Hell, I'd even be okay with someone like Zack Snyder doing it. If nothing else, he can do a violently cool action scene.

Fair enough. Perhaps, then, a better reading of Jaime is that he's a troubled man who WANTS to be good, but his lusts and inclinations prevent him from getting there. He's good enough to know the difference between right and wrong, but not always good enough to make the right choice. And as with the Mad King,

"The things I do for love."

Ha. To be fair though, we're all wanna be writers here.

And then she kissed Jaime in the next scene. I hope she wiped that lipstick off completely

Well, it was subtle enough I didn't immediately think about it.

I think the timing there could be plausible, but only if Euron wasn't with that fleet

This show does some interesting things. Jorah Mormont and Samwell Tarly are about the last pair I expected to share a tearjerking scene.

At the risk of being downvoted into oblivion (well, there aren't still downvotes, but you know what I mean), I do somewhat understand the mindset that rape is a horribly unfortunate, evil part of life, but because of that, it shouldn't be the one true taboo on television, particularly in the setting GRRM has created.

While the Mountain still has one big sword, I kinda wonder if his other big sword even works in his undead state