Abby Normal

I try to avoid news channels enough to not know any talking heads by name, so that leaves me with—

She seems to be the least essential member of the Chew.

Disagree. The original Prudie was, well, a bit of a prude, and (as below) had a tendency to blame ALL of someone's bad situation on alcohol even if it was barely mentioned. I remember she did a side article one time on back-to-school shopping for her kid that was kind of slut-shamey. The current Prudie is Mallory

I made the mistake of reading the comments after clicking on the picture. There are grown-ass adults who think that behavior's not only totally cool, but that those dipshits should've used the portrait for target practice while they were at it. (Add on the classic "insulting a woman's looks when you don't like her

I was a teenager back in the 90's when my folks (especially my dad) got into the whole Limbaugh/G Gordon Liddy right-wing radio thing. And my mom used to rationalize the racism and misogyny and what-have-you in their shows with a lot of "we don't agree with everything he says, he just has good ideas about the

I have a home economics textbook from 1918 that I found at an antique store. I picked it up at first because the illustrations were really appealing but it is a fascinating way to look at the time period. It not only covers the food conservation and nutrition principles mentioned in this article, but with the

My 20th reunion was a FB message that got sent out about a month in advance that amounted to "Anyone in town on [date], meet at [that bar that everyone still goes to]." I think only about 10 people from my class actually moved away after graduation—there wasn't much point to getting together again.

It falls into a pretty common line of thinking among conservative men—this kind of throwback pseudo-chivalry where women and girls are special and delicate and Real Men have a duty to protect them. (That thinking, rather conveniently, goes out the window if said women demand stuff like equal pay or access to basic

Hey, kids, remember during the Obama years when you'd see a panel full of dipshits on Fox & Friends mewling about "all he does is campaign!" anytime Obama showed up at a rally? Cuz I sure do!

I loved that book as a kid, and their Greek mythology book, too. My school library had copies of them both and I remember them being ones that I checked out multiple times. I got copies of both for my own kids (I don't want to fall into the trap of assuming that my kid will love everything that I did, but I've been

I live in a town that has at least one Cracker Barrel, but I'll only eat at Cracker Barrel if I'm traveling with my kids.

-Another reminder that the cartoonist that actually created Pepe the Frog really got a raw deal. He doesn't have any grounds to sue anyone, does he?

Been following this one for a few days. One that I kinda miss is Beowulf Trump—that one hasn't been active since the convention.

Oh, man. My sister and I had several go-to movies that our parents had on VHS that we'd watch when we were home babysitting, and this was one of them. ("Dead Again", "Highlander", and the Kevin Costner "Robin Hood" were the others.).

—Melted Ralph Fiennes
—Willem Defoe getting his thumbs cut off
—That hot guy with the turban (I think he was in this?)
—The female lead dies in a cave with all those cave paintings.

I don't have much to add to what's been said, except that I'm looking forward to May delivering a very satisfying beatdown to Radcliffe when we finally reach the end.

I dunno. I agree that the kids should be off-limits and the joke was in pretty poor taste, so there's that.

As I've heard it said, the extreme left and the extreme right meet at only one place, and that place is the health food store.

I've had friends that have visited a couple of the bigger ones, like Rick Warren's church, and supposedly they really push getting together in "small groups" with some sort of junior pastor at the head as a way of dealing with the lack of interpersonal relationships in the larger congregation. Great idea in theory,

I've only attended megachurches a couple of times, and what has creeped me out about them has been the celebrity status that the lead pastor is granted, along with kind of a freaky, cult-like hierarchy underneath him (and it's pretty much always a him.). The pastor is basically untouchable and surrounded by a bunch