Abby Normal

Just testing this out to see if it works—I followed the instructions to make the Disqus to Kinja switch and couldn’t tell if it actually went through, then saw that AV Club was following me? I don’t know.

I have adored Lynda Barry ever since I borrowed "Come Over, Come Over" (multiple times) from the school library. At that age I identified with Maybonne so much.

Well, he is 70 freaking years old—not to armchair-diagnose, but he's very likely senile. People kinda lose their filter when that sets in. Combine that with Fox News on the brain and there you have it. He sounds like every old geezer I know that's been into right-wing media for a while.

She used to do a recurring comic in Seventeen magazine back in the late 80's/early 90's when I was still reading it. I kind of wish those old pages could be collected somewhere.

Back in the day, I actually DID have guys who wouldn't otherwise give me the time of day try to act friendly so they could copy my trig homework. Pissed me off then and does now.

I just clicked on that and wish I hadn't. Is he supposed to be speaking as a character of some sort? (I hope?)

I tried reading the first couple of chapters to see what the fuss was all about and the main character had me simultaneously bored to tears and wanting to punch him in the face at the same time.

Y'know, just putting all the old episodes of "The Carol Burnett Show" up on Netflix would've been fine. I mean, she's great and all but this sounds kind of terrible. (And if they're looking for kid-friendly, my kid loves the "best of" promo of her show that they do during pledge week on PBS even if he doesn't get all

Sharia law is an eminent threat that we all have arm ourselves for but the KKK is a "tiny ring" that no one actually has to worry about. Well, I had my hopes but I can see where this is going.

Sincere question though—at what point do you feel that you'll be unable rationalize away his faults?

Shit, they had most of the Bush years to come up with a plan of their own! It's not like health insurance wasn't already an ugly, unsustainable mess back then. But they frittered all that political capital away bombing the wrong country and guarding Terry Sciavo's feeding tube.

Oh yeah, I know it would never actually work in real life.

Two reasons:

I've been wondering about what would happen if everyone just ignored Trump completely. I know it's pretty much impossible, but he's basically just like an overgrown toddler acting out and those are generally best handled by sticking them in a corner and ignoring them. Whenever the late night folks make fun of him,


I don't want him to die in office since no one generally wants to criticize the dead and his fans would turn him into a martyr. (See: Andrew Breibart)

And seriously? Fuck them for assuming that all "blue collar voters" are transphobic bigots. They also forget that even red states contain big blue cities with lots of big, expensive employers that are a lot less tolerant of this than they used to be (I'm thinking of the backlash against RFRA in Indianapolis during

Yeah, I really don't understand it. I had heard that the US system is more of a historical anomaly than anything else because we had a labor shortage after WW2 so employers started offering health insurance to attract workers, but it just hung around for various reasons while single-payer took off everywhere else.

I'm a doc who's not THAT old but I'm old enough to remember what practicing medicine was like before Obamacare. I can remember having to take care of people in the hospital with horrible stuff that could've turned out okay if they had regular doctor visits beforehand. I had one guy with hypertension put himself in

Just wait until the next major disaster, natural or not. The type of thing where normal presidents have to cut into regular TV with a "my fellow Americans" speech. Or, better yet, a major public figure like a former president passes away and he has to give a eulogy. He will shit on the floor and it will be