Abby Normal

Protestants do use communion wafers—they can be bought in bulk and they keep for a long time (communion in most Protestant churches isn't done every week.). For big events, you can now get individually-wrapped communion wafers with a little cup of grape juice attached—or, as I've heard it called, "Snak-Pak Jesus."

I'm having fun picturing all the pranks that can now be played using AIDA's head. (Like, the head goes missing for a week because various SHIELD agents have been taking turns punking each other by hiding the head in each other's lockers, in the fridge, hanging from a ceiling fan, etc.)

Meh, reading's too much work.

Dammit—all I want is for another season of the anime, not another damn remake.

I kind of agree, actually. I still watch the thing, because it actually did have me hooked while I was watching. I just kind of get this "morning after" syndrome with it where the next day I'm going "why did any of that happen? That didn't make any sense."

1) I am so so so so so tired of insane super-genius tropes. You've got one person who is so crazy brilliant they can put the whammy on anyone by talking to them, escape a super-maximum island security prison any time they want, and construct impossibly complex death traps but then be thisclose to regressing into a

Me too. What's hit me (and this is a pretty sad commentary on things now) is that after 8 years, we haven't seen ANY scandal involving his family life. No affairs. No parties or booze or other teenage shenanigans for his daughters. And God knows, if there was anything there the Repubs would've dragged it out. He

I caught that, too—I'm pretty sure it was no accident.

My worthless theory is that SHE'S actually been Moriarty herself all along and Richard Brooke/the guy we know as Moriarty was an actor that she employed as a cover. I think it would explain a lot.

I essentially never tweet anything of my own, and just use it to follow some fun, jokey accounts, along with the feed from the ISS and whichever astronauts are up there right now so I can see some nice space pictures. The most I do is retweet once in a while, I don't actually interact with anyone on there.

I thought it had something to do with his statement later that he was firing architects every few years so they wouldn't know about his secret murder passageways in the hospital—different employees would be privy to different sets of facts depending on how long they'd been working there?

Fucking A. This is just wrong on so many levels. Leaving aside what an irresponsible dillhole the guy is, that's still got to be a logistical nightmare for the security folks. I mean, they already have to have people read the president's mail to check for death threats and such—can you imagine the manpower it'd

Serious question—when he gets inaugurated, will someone be able to take his Twitter account away? Like, for national security reasons? I remember reading that when the official POTUS Twitter was set up it was very clear that there would only being staffers or PR people running it, and I'll bet the Secret Service

Not to mention the fact that Hitler is a Bad Guy but Jackson can't be a Bad Guy because his picture is on the twenty, and the only people trying to take his picture off the twenty were a bunch of feminazis and hippy-dippy types.

Agreed on the kids' costumes—I have a hard time picturing them in modern-looking stuff.

The theory goes that tweens like pale sparkly dudes because they're nonthreatening. (Notice the similarities to guys in boy bands.)

Boy, I remember back in college when I was glued to the TV waiting for Ross and Rachel to get together like it was this Big Important Romance and now remembering those episodes 20 years later, Ross just seems like a colossal jerk. Talk about a show not aging well.

The "How Did This Get Made?" eps about them are pretty funny too.

Probably neither. Poorly-written romance novels and the like have been popular with teenagers since time immemorial because they hit that wish-fulfillment sweet spot.

Agreed that lashing out really isn't necessary. It's just that, at least in my experience, it seems like every comment section I read that's the least bit "social justice" related always seems to have someone apologizing on behalf of their race, religion, gender, etc. and while the good intentions are there, the