Abby Normal

Well, I'm not super familiar with her and I'm sorry you felt like you got dumped on, but sometimes the "I apologize on behalf of my gender" (or, as often happens, "white people" or "Christians" when someone from those demographics does something shitty) bit gets pretty annoying. I understand the sentiment and no one

Yeah—Frontline has been good for teaching me about everything in the world that's horrible and that I'm powerless to do anything about.

Yeah, you're probably right.

That bugged me too—like, sure, the bullet probably got her heart and she was going to go quickly but at least getting her onto the floor instead of leaving her propped up like that would've helped.

Lie them flat on the floor and elevate the legs so blood is directed toward the brain, and then do chest compressions.

Shit, fuck—it's been so long since I had seen Charlotte's Web that I didn't know who was in it and THIS is how I find out that Debbie Reynolds voiced Charlotte. Fuck.

Just saw it last night with my kid. I heard enough spoilers beforehand to know that K2SO doesn't make it and was a little worried that kiddo would be traumatized but he's getting older—the most I got was "That's not how a Star Wars movie is supposed to end" and we left it at that.

Right. Kylo Ren wound up being one of my favorite characters from that movie and I thought he was a pretty inspired take on a Star Wars villain. They managed to stay away from making him a straight-up Vader 2.0 in an interesting way. I read a review comparing him to a school shooter (and thus a more "modern"

I just saw it with my kid, and he was way more effected by K2's death than anyone else's. When K2 died, he kept asking "he'll be okay, right? They'll be able to rebuild him, won't they?" I wasn't quite left with a Bambi's mom situation on my hands, but it was damn close.

Awww, man. He was one of my first tweenage celebrity crushes.

Chunt please!

Well, I guess they could play "Kokomo" with John Stamos and everyone could pretend it's 1990 again (when Trump was only famous for tabloid stuff and wasn't a politician.)

I never liked that movie, even when I was in the "target age" for it, for exactly that reason.

I'm showing my age, but I kinda meant Jem, Transformers, GI Joe, etc. I watched them all as a kid but my mom complained a lot about "every cartoon has a toy with it nowadays."

That's it? Sure, it's not the smartest comment ever but it's not worth the outrage she's getting about it and shit, the only people that would've heard it would've been people listening to her podcast anyway.

Maybe all those cartoons-disguised-as-toy-commercials we used to watch? I remember my parents kinda rolling their eyes at those.

Boss Baby is based on an existing children's book, so it's another example of taking a story that's at least charming in the 5-10 minutes it takes to read to a small child and then padding it into an eye-searing money-generating monstrosity. A small step above emoji movies, in other words.

I dunno—the backstory had Christopher Lee in it, so it wasn't a total loss.

My parents had that Bill Cosby record! I had no idea the chicken heart story was based on a real episode:

Just got around to seeing this with the kiddo and the only thing that really bugged me was McAdams' character having to be walked through how to do a pericardiocentesis by Strange's astral-projected self. As an ER doc in a setting where she's seeing gunshot victims all the time, she would've done that procedure tons