Abby Normal

Me too!

It freaked the bejeesus out of me, that's for sure. I reposted that thing all over FB, particularly trying to get my Trump-supporting relatives to read it. Fuck-all good that it did.

I know this because for months I had my 10-year-old kid following me around going "Mom mom mom there's an Angry Birds movie! When can we go see it?" and I'd have to come up with various excuses for why we could not.

Exactly what I was wondering—do they count all the times someone left it on in the waiting room at the car dealership and no one was really watching?

Anti-intellectualism. Pretty much.

Wow—I hadn't thought of "License to Drive" in years. My first boyfriend back in junior high thought it was the most hilarious movie ever. I was watching it with him at his house when he tried to grab my boob.

Sorta like in "Lysistrata?" I remember reading one version where the Spartans were written with exaggerated Southern (US) accents, while in another version they were written with really broad Scottish accents.

The only Target boycotts I heard of were in response to the gender-neutral bathrooms or when they redid the signage in the toy department.

What kind of soulless monster mucks about on their phone while The Force Awakens is on?

Sounds kinda like Beemo.

'Twas ever thus.

Do you have kids? That's become my excuse. If I have time to see a movie, it's usually a Marvel/action movie that looks better on the big screen, making it worth the ticket price (in theory). I could check out some of the smaller, artsy movies on the list but that usually requires waiting until the kids are in bed,

1) I was wondering if May having her brain downloaded before she got zapped into asystole and then brought back would have some sort of bearing on the plot and it looks like it did—call it Chekhov's brain scan or something.

I don't think you're necessarily being histrionic, especially where the election is concerned.

I understand that point, but I think this year we got a rash of unexpected celebrity deaths that carried more of an emotional punch. Prince was obviously unexpected. Rickman never really told anyone he was sick, so no one saw it coming. Bowie's death hit hard because the news I was reading went from "oh, hey,

1) I'd like to think I'd be the Denzel Washington of the story when the time comes, but it's more likely that I'll just wind up as one of the nameless hordes getting fried by a guzzoline explosion or something.

1) The only thing that will truly bring me joy will be that guy getting impeached, losing all of his money, being forced to relocate to Russia to escape arrest, and then making the top of every "worst president" list every year until he dies alone and unmourned, and my children and all their classmates have to write a

That's, unfortunately what I was thinking. Just think of all the statements of condolence that presidents have had to give for national tragedies over the years—and now try to imagine them coming from Trump. Fuck. Even GWB could manage to act presidential when the need arose.

—I have to agree with the Hamilton mention. I'm very late to the party in that respect—I just picked up the original cast recording last week since I figured that there is no feasible way I will ever get to see it live, at least until my great-grandchildren wind up doing it as a HS musical or something. Holy fuck

I discovered him that way also and, you know what? I don't think there's anything sad about that—you and I discovered something beautiful and that's all that matters.