Abby Normal

Agreed. Especially since it seems like most posters nowadays seem to be some variation on "3/4-length photo of main character in profile, lit from the side". There's nothing about them to really make them stand out.

Yeah, I liked Baby Groot just fine in the small dose we got at the end of GOTG, but I'm doubtful that a whole movie of Baby Groot is going to be a good idea. Isn't Vin Diesel supposed to be in the sequel?

Well, according to Agents of Shield this week, you kill yourself and then have someone shock you back to life real quick.

Yeah, I remember seeing that one on a dude's t-shirt back in junior high. Somehow that one got by the dress code, but Bart Simpson shirts were banned because they were "too irreverent." Oh, and girls weren't allowed to wear those bodysuits with the shoulders cut out, because shoulders distract the boys or something.

I love pretty much all of "Achtung Baby".

I really wish I had a cooler example, but ever since that stupid Chicken McNuggets ad came on, "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper has been making me tearful every time I hear it.

I really wish I had a cooler example, but ever since that stupid Chicken McNuggets ad came on, "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper has been making me tearful every time I hear it.

I really wish I had a cooler example, but ever since that stupid Chicken McNuggets ad came on, "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper has been making me tearful every time I hear it.

I really wish I had a cooler example, but ever since that stupid Chicken McNuggets ad came on, "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper has been making me tearful every time I hear it.

I really wish I had a cooler example, but ever since that stupid Chicken McNuggets ad came on, "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper has been making me tearful every time I hear it.

I mainly only know of Cyclops from the cartoon and I thought he was a whiny little ponce in that.


I don't think aiming something specifically at 12-year-old girls is necessarily sexist, but aiming a shitty, lazily-designed product at 12-year-old girls kinda feels that way. It's the equivalent of those "just for women" toolkits that cost twice as much because they're pink but the screwdriver breaks as soon as you

I was watching the news of the shooting unfold while I was waiting for my kid (who was in first grade at the time and the same age as the kids who died) to get home from school. I was at home at the time because I was on maternity leave for my younger kid.

As a Hoosier I can attest to this—Pence is being spun as a moderate and he most definitely is not. His shenanigans with RFRA did a good job of giving IN the reputation of State You Really Don't Want To Move To. IN then made the news for being the epicenter of a big HIV outbreak, and when public health folks and

I saw the second one (with the crappy guillotines) as a teenager and, yes, it did freak me out—even despite being no stranger to scary movies.

I grew up in Michigan, and both of them were on, so who knows. Not sure how distribution of such things works.

Or, maybe "The Woodright's Shop". Another soft-spoken guy, but this time with old-timey woodworking tools. Very meditative.

Wait a minute, there are people out there who found out that they weren't *really* watching three people get murdered on camera and were disappointed about that?

My two favorite aliases: