Abby Normal

The Long Walk was in The Bachman Books, along with "The Running Man" and "Rage"—which is reportedly why the Bachman Books are now permanently out of print. Which is too bad—I remember quite liking all the stories in there.

I feel ya. I had my old "Bad Hair Day" CD on in the car with my kid and realized that he probably hadn't heard any of the songs in the polka medley (and that most of the bands that did them no longer exist.)

I'm going to have to show this one to my kid. He loves Weird Al anyway (amazing how Weird Al spans the generations), plus there's the historical value in finding out that Mom used to watch TV shows that were actually advertisements for TV shows that she was going to watch anyway.

Or turn-Netflix-on-for-the-next-five-hours-so-mom-can-take-a-nap cartoons.

I was there, and yes it did. It's on the list of bizarre "very special episodes" that happened back then, like when the Diff'rent Strokes kids got kidnapped by a child molester.

First Contact! I saw that one with my boyfriend and at the end it was one of the few times I actually cried at a movie because *Vulcans are the first contact, man, and that makes it so fucking perfect!!!*.

Impossible to see him wheel in that tray of people-meatloaf at the end and not remember the original Hannibal Lector.

Right! I loved that twist at the end of having Juliet wake up early. I don't think I've seen another version do the end that way.

I saw this one in the theater with my boyfriend (now husband) on our one-year "anniversary" of going out.

Yeah, I just remembered that I liked a lot of the performances from the non-R & J characters more than the two leads. Paul Sorvino was Dad Capulet, yes? And Mercutio fucking rocked.

"Need" might be a bit of a strong word. I'm not a Shakespeare scholar, but I like Shakespeare and I liked this version just fine (and I was older than 15 when I saw it.). I would say it's an interesting watch at the very least for how the "modern" setting is handled, and there are some good performances from the

He's still got one of the five most punchable faces in existence, which has nothing to do with him being in a wheelchair:

What legit freaks me out though— I don't think that even Hillary winning by a landslide would get rid of the racist assholes. Obama won by a tidy margin in 08, did he not? Maybe not a "landslide", but he still didn't exactly "just barely squeak by". And yet we still got to see the rise of the freaking birther