
Exactly. Mike already comes in as part of a group of friends who are interested in stories like this, and young enough to think that such things are possible and here it is in real life! Plus she pointed at their friend who is missing, so of course she must know everything about what happened! Mike, Lucas, and

I started watching this because of so many people posting on fb about it, and had this smile on my face at how X-Files-esque it was, I don't know if you ever followed Salome back in the day, but she had the term "half-caff x-file" for episodes that dealt with some kind of government cover-up (i.e., not just a MOTW),

I'm late to the party (this is my first venture into a Netflix show, therefore my first time commenting on something two weeks old and being late - versus being current or seeing things years old), but so far am two episodes in, and agree with you on this. And would add that it isn't even just the different parenting

Alright, so my few thoughts for real…

I'm starting to wonder if it's even true that Kerry can't have more children. It could have been a lie in order to try and make Jason reject her, and then turn her on him. Kerry would have had to believe it for it to work, Yedlin wouldn't have convinced her to lie to him about it. And when Jason didn't throw her to

I'll have more thought-out stuff later, but for now I guess we can say Jason was the Mitt Romney of the 4000s! Binders full of women, yo!

I could be mistaken, but I thought when Yedlin was talking about brain usage as a fraction of what we use, he referenced chimps, not male Abbies. As in, chimps use a fraction of what we use, and Margaret uses much more.

No problem! Like I said, it's all speculation, and while there are flaws abundant in the show, the premise is very interesting to me and I wish it could be further explored, perhaps even in a more traditional longer season format, to get into this stuff you raised about the Abbies, as well as the psychology of what

I made a comment below about a possible Abbie shelter miles out from WP and was skeptical about it, but this actually makes me think it might be the case. With a threat nearby, might they have vacated the more vulnerable of the population (children and older Abbies) as well as childbearing females to ensure survival

Re: Rebecca: I had been wondering why, as an integral part of the development of the town, she was not woken up with Pilcher, Megan, Pam, et al. The obvious answer is that she was not even a character when they were woken up and her entire existence is a retcon. But still, I wonder how/if they will explain it. And

This actually got me really thinking today and wondering about the loss of English (or, really, the loss of any of the languages we know today, but for the sake of the events occurring in former US, I'll say English for this particular group). What is English tonthe Abbies? Is it something to the degree of Latin

I thought that, too. And also thought that maybe she was the mother. But then again, all of Margaret's other memories in this ep were seen from her perspective: her eyes, what she saw happen, essentially with her in the first person for those brief moments. It would be weird for that one memory to be seen from her

True. I was just, at the time of the comment at least, very much expecting an impending episode cliffhanger in which Margaret would utter a couple words, either with nobody present or with someone present who would die before telling anybody. A and B make more sense story-wise, but I was definitely anticipating C in

This was the type of episode that was most certainly coming (that is, one with more action and less development, one that serves to move the plot forward rather than enhance it), but the execution felt a little weird. I don't know if it was because of the revisiting of the Rebecca/Xander/Theo thing in the midst of it

Taking a speculative stab…

That's how it happened, yes, which wasn't the plan, but the end result (Jason in power) was part of the endgame. Which, actually, is interesting: that he forcibly took his position, was not elected or even appointed, and yet he was the one Pilcher intended to one day lead. That even when events got out of hand, this

True. And wasn't there some type of conflict between Pam and Pilcher last season about whether or not Ethan was actually the right one? Ethan was probably intended as the replacement for Pope (the flesh and blood leader of the town, while Pilcher at the time was unknown except for by name to the townspeople). And it

As to Ethan, this season I'm wondering more and more why they ever woke him up in the first place. He was taken due to Adam wanting him gone to get at Theresa. Okay. And I'm assuming Adam must have made some other case for why Ethan would have been beneficial, because I don't see Pilcher just saying, "oh, okay

It is possible as well that while Jason was always intended to be the leader, the original plan may have been for him to assume the position at an older age than he did, and without the conditions under which he did. I'm assuming Baby Jason was awakened at the same time as Group A. That would fit time-wise: if Group

Something I've been pondering here…. How did CJ not know that Abbies were in the territory when Pilcher and the rest of the original crew (Group Zero?) awoke? He said that the soil was ready etc which implies that he had ventured outside again, most likely on his last wake-up. So did he know and not say anything?