
…. so, my mind is now blown. I am late to the Shameless train (as evidenced by this comment), and just got to this episode and was like, "Hey, it's Dr. Malarkey!" … thing is, I have never seen Band of Brothers. I did, however, watch ER and followed the online responses to such during the time when Scott Grimes was

Yep. I cringed at first too but then remembered the cheesiness and early-90s-easy-listening-ness of the original duet, so I'm okay with the duet and holding my breath for as-sung-by-teapot!

Joking/hyperbole aside, I've wondered if the twist could actually involve Miguel. Granted at this point, how Jack dies will be a "surprise," or more accurately, a resolved mystery, but the method wouldn't really be a "twist" if, say, he had cancer or got killed in a car accident. To be a twist it has to be

I have gotten sucked into this show now, but am starting to wonder how sustainable it will end up being if they are looking to make it last, at least in its current format. I can sense the show is building to two big events: the presumably approaching death of William, and the already known-it-happened-but-no-details

Interesting! It's a twist that I hadn't thought of but wouldn't put past them… what was the foreshadowing that you saw? I just watched it today and missed it, and am now intrigued.

I can't decide if I loved or hated the line when the Spirit Chasers first get in… what was it, "I haven't been this scared since we were in that asylum," or something like that. Half knowing smile, half groan.

I would be interested to know how Dylan still appeared as planned, given what happened to Sydney and his crew. Maybe they haven't yet been found, sure. But Sydney wasn't exactly the "hands-off" type, so surely it would have been weird that at the start of the workday, nobody had heard from him or any of his

Not to mention when Aubrey brought up the facts of everything they were subjected to at the hands of the Polks, assured that their actions would be understood, and Lee countering that all anyone would see was the fact that they killed people.

It works though, in the context of them playing actors playing those parts. Presumably, Wes Bentley is playing an actor playing Ambrose etc, so while the bad accents may or may not be intentional on their parts, there is actually an explanation.

This is not the first season where we have seen some ghosts still appearing with the injuries that killed them and some not. Was this addressed/answered before? I feel like it was, but I might be remembering wrong. Of course it doesn't really matter seeing as those ghosts we have seen so far are really just actors

I don't have an answer at all for the disclosure of what Cricket said to Lee. But as for how we are able to see the scenes of the lost colony, I figured it was a case of narration turning into representation: as in, rather than us just listening to Cricket describe the events, we are shown them and meant to believe

"Dramatic reenactment" watch, chapter 3: still no closeups while the words are onscreen.

"Dramatic reenactment" watch, Chapter 2:

Has anyone been able to take a zoomed-in still of the frames where it actually reads "dramatic reenactment"? This could reveal whether it is possible that the "real" Shelby and Matt and Lee are actually actors and the supposed reenactors are actually a flashback. It does say "dramatic reenactment" over them in that

Come on now, Matt, no gazebo on top of the pig? Would have taken a few minutes tops to build a mini pig-sized one. Now Shelby will certainly find out what you buried!

Interesting, thanks for the info! I had definitely envisioned both sides having to be present for closing, so that makes sense. It must have been the editing that threw me off a bit, or I could have just been being a space cadet. ;)

Question for those of you more familiar with the legal system than I am: was the timeline of the closing statements odd? The way it looked, when Weiss was giving her statement, Stone was still at home rehearsing, not dressed yet, and has his reaction and subsequent hospital visit with enough time to regroup, get

You know, I wondered that, I first noticed "El" as being a possible nod to "Elliott" what with all the E.T. homages, and funny because she was in the opposite role. Then I noticed Lucas (was thinking of George as I haven't seen the latter) and started to wonder if the other kids were all references. I couldn't

Too bad the thing Will coughed up will have to wait a little over a decade to find a friend in the sewer ;)

For what it's worth, I saw a post downthread earlier about the inaccuracy of the teen girls' names (tried to find it, but can't at the moment). I agreed as I was reading, but then realized that the teens would be about 50 now (wow, let that sink in….), and I wouldn't be at all surprised to meet a 50-year-old woman