
While I also thought it a bit of an oversight for Yedlin to assume that Margaret did not speak English, it could have also been an easy assumption for one to fall to given that people have been speaking English in her presence for some time now and she has never spoken back. And of course maybe that is because she

Regarding the weird interaction between Xander and Rebecca: it seemed at first as if they had had a "thing", but then not so much, but still weird, and my theory here is that this "pairing up" had been done with adults during the years in between seasons 1 and 2. In season 1, we did see adults being pushed to

Up until the end I kept expecting to find out that Mulder and Scully were being sneaky schemers and planned their little split offs with the new agents (or rather, Mulder planned it and Scully went along with it), as a way to try and show Miller the value of scientific approaches, and to show Einstein the value of

Suspension of disbelief is certainly required, as you say. I wouldn't even say that Mulder would have realistically been dead in season 1, because it wouldn't have even gotten that far. Both Mulder and Scully would have been at the very least, fired from the FBI, and most likely have had federal charges pressed

Yes, Ma Scully knew about William. She was seen a couple times in Season 9, pre-adoption, babysitting him when Scully had to work.

Also, even unseen, Can't stand Bill Scully. And yes, I understand he wanted to pull the plug and so did Maggie, but this wasn't known until now. If bill did know about the change to Maggie's wishes, why not just tell Scully that… Ugh, Bill Jr.

What to say on this one… I feel like anything I say will give the impression that I enjoyed the episode either more, or less, than I actually did, so I'll say up front that I liked it, but found some flaws. That being said, what I loved, I really loved, and then some parts/aspects I really didn't like.

That's what I thought. And I do have a response in my head to your response on my post last week, like you I've been working and in school and busy, plus now I have a whole new episode to write my thoughts on beyond little comment replies… But I will respond and love a good x-files conversation :)

Re: Charlie Scully, I believe the only time he was ever seen on the original show was as a child during a flashback in One Breath, when Maggie Scully was telling Mulder the story of Scully shooting a snake with her brothers as children. I don't even know that he was specifically referenced besides then, other than

I noticed that parallel, which was a nice little callback, and also that it got flipped from the scene in Home: the victim this time was trapped in her house and couldn't unlock her door to run out, while in Home, of course, the murderers got in through an unlocked door.

Addendum, Scully did mention Mulder quite frequently in early Season 8 MOTW, but the actual search wasn't chronicled, probably to keep to the old format, but just saying that some setting of Scully's feelings about his secret could have set the stage for this.

I love this breakdown,@theMorr1gan . I did the complete rewatch in the months leading up, so while I didn't watch the mythology itself back to back like you did, I saw the whole series in a relatively short amount of time (started late for the ep-a-day thing, so watched multiple per day), and thus did see the

I also love that the Scully immortal thing is simultaneously enforced and left a question.

So happy with this… It was great. We finally got another Darin Morgan episode, and it was everything it should have been. In terms of the current season, it felt more "x-files" than the other two, and in terms of Darin Morgan, it was exactly what he does best.

For what it's worth (and anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about any of this), Home was the first Morgan/Wong episode when they came back from their hiatus (their last episode before that was Die Hand Die Verletzt in season 2). I always thought the title had that secondary meaning: that they were

Yep :) he also called back to it in Clyde Bruckman, on the cover of the tabloid that Clyde buys in the beginning.

The were-lizard hid in the porta potty, and there was a pretty pointed shot of said porta potty, so I think this was an intentional callback to The Host.

Monster in the porta potty!

I thought of this, too, and also wondered whether this would impact continuity, but supposedly the change in order came from Chris Carter and the airing order is as intended, regardless of the order in which they were produced. (Via the xfilesrevival Facebook page), I don't know for sure how accurate that is etc, but

She also, in the first ep, asked Mulder if he had seen O'Malley's show on "the Net," which nobody says anymore. They say "online" or "on (insert site here)." Maybe they are purposely having the characters use dated terminology, but that would make more sense to me if they had Mulder sound behind the times, as he