
It being green just makes it a lot easier and also a rather obvious target. Green is mostly used, and blue, because they are colours that aren't found to a great extent in skin tones. A solid red would be harder to key out (although it could be masked etc.) as it would start taking the red out of the skin tones as

At that point the boyfriend was the monster. It was much more in her headspace to view here from that angle, as she thinks he is the threat and she has just woken up tied to a chair. Everything scary is happening behind her. If I remember correctly, when she sees the naked woman approaching, we are seeing it from her

It did start off well. And I accepted early on it was meant to be a bit pulpy, what with all the dead-eyed robotic stares and super soldier cliches and the sudden, dramatic, synth-underlined title in 80s font. But it did well with the atmosphere it developed. BUt it's like pages 64-93 were from a different script.

I couldn't take it seriously as soon as the secret service squad turned up. And then the mirror maze… It was ludicrous. I only just saw it on TV and remember it getting good reviews but was entirely disappointed.

Not anymore. Just saw this on TV. It starts off well but as soon as 'CUT TO: Government facility….' it was off the rails.

Ah. My first inclination was to pronounce it in either a pseudo Asian or German way. Living outside of America, sometimes these references can be mystifying

I don't get it… what am I missing?

Sarah Snook as Medina (the sergeant/team leader or whatever)! I just want here to be in everything since Predestination. I hope she finds her breakthrough role.

I still love Interview with the Vampire (the movie, I read the book but don't remember much, other than thinking that the movie was much better and I've seen the movie about 10 times). Perfect cast. Beautifully shot, haunting score by Elliot Goldenthal. It's so full of beauty and absolutely heartbreaking. One of Neil

Agree! I just watched it for about the 4th time. I love this episode. So many great lines and moments - Andy and Ann's conversation especially. Rashida Jones is so underrated and nails the delivery of the line about Andy having learnt new words. And everything about the party at The Bulge. The cold open is absolutely

Hmm. Underwhelming review. I'll probably watch it on a plane. I suppose no one can claim that staring at a computer can't be made interesting since The Social Network, so it's unfortunate that this film didn't nail that aspect.

Who wrote this? This is possibly my favourite quote from a review ever.

At least a few years ago…

Blunt but fair.

To be fair, it's a poorly-constructed sentence.

I think it's great in the first season too, but perhaps there is a big adjustment period when you're tuning in to the show's wavelength. I rewatched seasons one and two in anticipation of three being released. They are still so good. Season 1 has some classic episodes. I am really unsure why it is underrated.

Ha! If only. But I think probably half the morons would be even more convinced of the 'truthiness' of their insane convictions by having some Siri clone read their posts to them.

I don't even know anymore. But boy am I always surprised how dirty a word 'socialism' is considered to be in the states (by the haters). Was nice coming back here for some, you know, level-headed and considered points of view.

So… The comments here are very different to the ones on the youtube video I watched.