
He played an absolutely lovely guy/mentor for the main character in This is England. I was so surprised to see him as a deranged criminal in Lockdown, even more unhinged than Cassidy. So, he has range.

There is a lot more plot in the 2nd half, as it kick starts a completely different thread. But I had big problems with the 3rd season. I loved Gillian Anderson's part in the season but hated what they did with Alana. It seemed to be aiming for pointless titillation.

This show is far from perfect anymore, but when it hits, it hits hard. I almost started crying myself when Cosima broke down. And everything about Felix and Mrs S was perfect this episode. Favourite Line:
Felix - "Now tell me how do you feel about long stares and large groups of people?"
Cosima - "Oooh…. no."

But, I was actually more distracted by the actor from This is England being in the scene.

I was OK with the scene except for this horrendous part:
Arya: "I have never heard that song."
Close up on Ed.
Ed: "It's a new one".

Gosh. This was a stellar episode. So much dread!
It will be good to see Felix and Helena again though and Sarah seems like a minor character this season.

They might put a dent in the wild dog population if they took the form of a snakenado, but otherwise snakes mostly curl up under logs, the lazy fuckers.

As an Australian from Brisbane, where the Courier Mail is produced, my advice is to pretend that the newspaper doesn't exist and any story therein probably shouldn't be read let alone quoted anywhere else

8 months late, as I'm only watching season 2 now, but I also thought she was a dead-ringer for Krystal. You're not alone anymore.

Meaning that Donnie must have a piercing.

I think Piper's sentence (is it 18 months?) is something that is holding back the show too. It can't go too fast or she leaves and they have to decide what to do when their main character, or at least entry point into the show, gets out of prison. I was also thrown by all of the very current pop culture references

The MCC guy used his Twitter account. Someone would have noticed that and then it would have been shared with others and eventually got to Piscatella. Not sure if it's got to the wider world yet but the prison people would definitely have noticed. But as MCC guy (Paul?) was social savvy, he probably would have made

This is how I feel. Somehow this season feels adrift. When one of the best guest stars from Season 2 showed up in episode 7 or 8, I was so happy to see them but it ended up being disappointing and and underdeveloped subplot. This just seems to be the theme for the season, not capitalising on what was set up in the

I also forgot how awesome Anna Camp was as Jaqueline's high society nemesis. Such a great and funny and surprisingly complex character!

That's kind of interesting but so far I don't think they're doing much with it. It's a character that could work but with everything else going on she seems superfluous.

It seems I'm in the minority that actually liked Season 2 more than season 1. It seemed more tonally consistent to me (no dolphin's on sidewalks etc). Sure, it got dark but utilised Tina Fey much better than her out-of-place Marcia Clark caricature in Season 1. Lisa Kudrow as Kimmy's mum was also amazing and I just

"…even if calling this “very good TV” is to risk sounding like a sleaze at best". Good God. Enough hand-wringing. It's OK. You can say you enjoyed the show even if it does contain rape. If you're enjoying it for the rape that's different but you don't need all the flustered disclaimers. We get it, it's good TV.

Haven't seen this, or Handmaids Tale yet, but the latter's review was particularly cringey, with all its overwrought protestations that "this show is kind of rapey and there is exploitation, but gosh I promise I didn't enjoy watching this show… no… no.. it's compelling not enjoyable". You can say that a show that

Isn't that Parc Guell in Barcelona in the third image!? It is! A cursory google search finds the exact park seats. Such an iconic and instantly recognisable place.

Blue would have been harder as he is wearing a jacket that is at least in some part blue. Either way, the guy is obnoxious, can't we just rejoice in the fact that he made it very easy for someone to make fun of him and undercut his message.