
Exactly what I was going to do as soon as I read the headline. I'm waiting for it to appear on Amazon Prime or Netflix so I can coerce people to watch it. Despite it's flaws, it is one of the most compelling movies I have seen in years and I'm getting impatient waiting for Sarah Snook to get the recognition she

Will be interesting to see her as something other than Shoshanna. She plays that role fantastically, but I haven't seen her in anything else so the character and actress are almost inseparable in my mind.

Was about to just make a similar comment. It seems the Oscars it's taking a larger share of the blame than it deserves (it still deserves some!). It's also about the kinds of movies that get made, the money found for them and the sort of movies deemed oscar worthy. Let's just remember that the Oscars repeatedly ignore

Apparently her mother is of "part filipino descent". Somewhat straw-clutchy on the list's part.

Agree. I thought the Native American backstory was very funny and playful. The actors playing the parents seemed to be having a lot of fun. Some of the other jokes (yes the OJ stuff!) were much less successful.

I also laughed more at this than any other episode since the pilot. I think the biggest laugh was Dodo referring to French Canadians as (and I'm still chuckling as I type this) 'snow negroes'.

Also, Charlie Chaplin is Liz's agent from 30 Rock!

Am I crazy or is one of the maids (in the background behind Chair when she is gutting the turkey and also one of the maid's in the scene when Frederick comes to see Beatrice at the end of the episode) Maisie Williams? I haven't watched other episodes yet but no one seems to point it out in the comments here. She

More tiny visual details that make this show great: Scott Wolf and Mathew Fox are the opposite animal of what their name suggests.

Looks like it could be fun but really getting tired of the hamfisted tag-lines "Fight for tomorrow" etc. separated word by word with shots in between that is in every trailer now.

I love that this seems to exist in the same universe as 30 Rock (especially as I'm newly grieving after finishing watching the entire series for the 2nd time). I have noticed jokes that are similar to 30 Rock, and Cyndee's explanation for Brandon being gay - "You watch Magic Mike during a lightning storm like Brandon

Agree Vincent. The pacing was off. Don't know why they have opted for the longer episode too. Less of the virtual reality in the last episode would have been good, and less of the Britta storyline in this one (or maybe actually have her do something in the study room with the group!)

No other show makes me happy like this one. I'm going to be grieving so bad.

Hoffman has been amazing. The sad, lost tear-moist eyes and stunned silence as she sits in the background while everyone argued over Ed's fate, was just an astonishing performance. I think Ali isn't give enough credit for the way she conducts herself in the Ed subplots. Everyone else (especially Sarah and Josh)

Mort/Maura is a man, who is only just now coming out as trans, so I think it's perfectly acceptable that she be played by a straight actor. It is nice to see so many trans supporting players however

Apart from The Fight, I think this is the strongest episode of the season. Bill's a dick? Yeah, he has been the whole time! I read it as he wanted to be punished for abandoning his brother, so he goaded him and never fought back. Mix in some complicated daddy issues and I found his behaviour completely believable.

Iffy then. The phrase "English movie star" in reference to Christian Bale seemed quite jarring for some reason.

Isn't Christian Bale Welsh?