
- Why couldn't water lady turn on the fountain water a bit more often than once a week at 5pm?
The water is closely guarded resource. That could be the time of a change of guard or a meal time that allows her to get away with turning it on briefly. It also makes for a nice reveal that one guy's miracle just turned out

Pretty sure Jonah is going to end up President and Selena as his veep.

And I would have pointed out that I'm not wearing pants so a wedgie would be unlikely (but not impossible) to pull off.

I remember after the September 11th attacks many papers and cartoonist published the, "I fear we've awoken a sleeping giant and filled it with terrible resolve" quote, attributing it to Admiral Yamamoto. I contacted several of them pointing out the quote was never said in real life but was actually from the film Tora,

These things take time. You can't just go anywhere like the residents of Pee Pee Pants City do.

Negan needs to shut up.

They tried that with Season 2 and everybody, (except for me apparently), HATED it. Complained that there was not enough action, too much 'talky-talky' not enough zombie killing.

Ringu is supposed to be called Ring in Japanese. It's a quirk of their language that it's spelt Ringu (when translated from Katakana to Romanji, they don't have a solitary 'g', only a 'gu'). I only mention it because it always worries me that there are people out there pronouncing it "Rin-gu", where if you were

You'll get closure. Just not for long.

Can we talk about the terrible 'wings of blood' shot as Nick walks away at the end or can we never talk of it again and pretend it was just an accident?

It's Sasha. So many people are going to be pissed when they find out.

Or Antony Hegarty when he was Antony.

How the fuck do you talk about lens flare in movies and not mention Rashomon?

I remember my reaction when I saw it many, many years ago. Up to that point I was liking the movie but not loving it (I was a kid so I thought all movies were going to be this great). I remember Obi-wan disappearing and I thought that's what light sabres do - they disintegrate people. Then Luke yells "no" and all the

It contains a pretty realistic 90s rave scene, complete with comedown as the sun rises.

A Clockwork Orange comes to mind.

Like that goddamn Juno movie that everyone seemed to love yet it had an even worse cringe-worthy music moment for its desperate credibility-seeking characters.

I always hoped it was going to be Obi-Wan and Padme who got together (once). That would throw Anakin off the deep end as his master would have gone back on all the rules he was trying to impose on him. Then on top of that, imagine the guilt Obi-Wan is hiding when he talks to Luke and when he faces Vader again. It

Dexter gets Lost looking for Heroes on a Prison Break.

I think most horror works on having the kind of subtext found the
Babadook running underneath the surface to play on our fears - of being
loved, of being abandoned, on not controlling rage, on being victim of
other's rage, etc… But in most horror films that stays in the back of the
screenwriter's mind as they start to