
I guess they grew up.

Is this one of those movies that other critics/commenters/reviewers categorize as too "stagey"?. It's based on a play, so there's at least part of the argument there, plus it's set in one place, but Ignatiy states more than once that there is careful consideration to the framing and composition of the shots, surely

Yes. This show is one of the best. I also saw the first season and thought that while well made it leaned too hard on the whole Mad Men in the 80's thing. We really didn't need that. That's why I didn't care for season 2 until I started reading about how it was a different show now and a really good one because it had

Don't know why but Fat Bottomed Girls came to mind. Weird

I'm glad Mirageman gets a mention. I didn't particularly like it, though it has some very funny moments. The movies Marko Zaror would make later are way better IMO.

As a latino, hearing the ubiquitous-during-the-90's Matador in the soundtrack was amazing. What were they doing in that album, in that movie?. It was weird, but satisfying.

No Lucky Soul? I've been waiting for their third album since forever (forever being the release date of their sophomore record). They just released it today so maybe they didn't send advance copies maybe?

Never played any of the MK games, except maybe MK2 for a little while, but sometime in the 00's I got a copy of Shaolin Monks and proceeded to play the hell out of that game. The dialog was cheesy, the acting really bad, but it was incredibly fun. To this day, it's the only MK product I remember fondly.

I remember being amazed by the coreography implemented by To and his actors, the almost balletic movements supported by the wonderful editing and the musicality of some of the sequences, specially the one when they keep pickpocketing each other*

I had no idea this movie existed, but yeah, we chileans owned 9/11 way before the US. The fact that the US had a major role in that coup is just… well, coincidences, right?

I remember seeing a double feature of SPL and Flashpoint and, goddamn I had to pick the pieces of my brain that blew all over the room. It took me the better part of the following week. Both movies are amazing and even if I knew who Donnie Yen was, I had never seen him doing those things. It's incredible.

Why is Joe Wright wasting his time with this. Needs more Hanna.

So they are not making an interconnected universe out of this? I hear that's the hip thing to do now.
Samberg's character could be the brother of the tennis player in the first one.

Fuck yes Killzone!!! One of my favorites.

The Rundown is not a sub-par movie. it's def one of the most underrated action movies from that decade and Peter Berg's greatest achievement. Also, it's fun.

I wasn't prepared to see him all white haired. I'm in shock. I mean, it's natural and, hell, what was I expecting, right?

I have absolutely no problem with how season one ended and I didn't even read the comics! (or maybe that's the reason)

A C grade. So it seems it's not a total bag of sh*t. Now that's a surprise!

Lots of things to comment on, I'll try to keep it short:
1. H/T for mentioning Marko Zaror. His chilean movies, the ones in which he is heavily involved creatively, are getting progressively and consistently better. It's been a while since the last one, though.
2. Kill Bill is amazing. I could go on, but I'm afraid what

Yes, Reign of Fire is still awesome.