Seven Costanza

I think this movie is playing very well to non-Star Wars lifers, and that's a beautiful thing.

Great point. Anakin was awful, Luke was milquetoast. I want to see more Rey. Not something I ever thought about the other two in their respective trilogies.

Yeah, I was bracing to be disappointed. All the reviews and other indicators suggested a solid, easily digested step up from the prequels.

Rubio has a shot. A good one.

In this post-Pearl Harbor world…can't say I'm surprised.

How many Canadians have played fictional Presidents?

Best episode? I'd go with "Electronics Store" from Nathan for You, if only because I like the best work of an untouchable comedy genius.

I know everyone's giving it to DiCaprio before they've seen The Revenant, but Tremblay is as deserving of the Best Actor Oscar as anyone I've seen this year. It's him or Fassbender for me.

Yes! I've been playing the long game on The Terminal, I think it gets unfairly dismissed just because it's slight or some shit. It's a fun, charming little movie that never fails to make me smile.

The escape scene in Room! End of Steve Jobs as well.

Mooney doesn't really feel like an afterthought to me. I've noticed his presence a lot more this year.

It's an overstatement to say that Jeb!'s campaign has no chance of recovery. It's still very, very early. He's leading in the endorsement primary, and has a heftier SuperPAC war chest than any of his closest competitors.

Question for you, Dennis: what is the origin of the phrase "I am hip to the musics of today"? I've incorporated it into my day-to-day life with remarkable ease.

Watched End of the Tour to unwind on Friday after writing an exam. Haven't read anything by David Foster Wallace aside from an essay he wrote about McCain2000 for Rolling Stone. Tried Infinite Jest once, it was good and impressive and all that but I just couldn't quite bring myself to keep reading past page 100 or so.

Checking in to second this jealousy. I had friends see her in Boston and New York over the past couple days, and I couldn't quite convince myself to make the trek.

Man, what a band. I honestly feel like they're a little under appreciated, though that's likely my mistaken perception. Few songs have connected with me like Simple Song.

While we're on the matter of Shins album-openers, how good is "Sleeping Lessons" into "Australia" at the start of Wincing the Night Away?

This is a lovely post. I've got similar feelings regarding the NHL playoffs and war.

I'm not convinced Shirin would have gotten votes, even from the No Collars on the Jury. I think Carolyn and Sierra, in addition to Tyler and Mike, could probably have commanded more votes from the jury than Shirin. Watch her Ponderosa video, and the dynamic between the No Collar trio and Shirin. It's pretty telling.

I may be the only one in this comment section who agrees with Probst on the "great cast" front.