Seven Costanza

Are Tyler, Carolyn, or Sierra really such awful non-Mike options?

Will, I was actually wondering this earlier today while I read Dowd's piece on the Burton/Schumacher Batman films—do your interviews ever get uncomfortable when you're talking to actors about movies that are universally regarded as awful?

Will was against Shirin prior to her raising her hand, there was no doubt about that. And I do see a scenario in which she can pull this off, especially if Mike goes home soon. Dan/Rodney/Shirin—who gets the most votes there?

If you win this game, you don't suck at Survivor. The winner is still in the game.

My opinion on a player has never changed this quickly. I am 100% Team Mike at this point.

Yeah you're probably right. Dang.

Makes sense, as Pitch Perfect does not need redeeming.

Don't sleep on the Gungan dance-along.

If he's in a final three with Dan and Shirin he wins it.

I don't buy that. She was in good standing with all of her alliance mates and had final four deals with multiple people. She was on the right side of the vote until she got idol'd. Kelly was playing a solid, under the radar game.

My lone, yet unstated random thought: In the midst of Mike's lengthy confessional about how you can't just find idols without working your ass off, was I the only one hoping that they would cut to a shot of Will stumbling upon it while he went to clean the dishes or something?

Newman has a stronger social game than Dan.

What are people worried about here? There is no world in which the two biggest sexists on the show win this game. Rodney and Dan will lose, undoubtedly.

In what sense was she not?

I actually think this is one of the better "Top 100 movies" lists I've ever seen.

I disagree. Nightcrawler was too on-the-nose and just not that compelling. You could hear the writing.

Not necessarily. I think Tyler would have a decent shot against Carolyn.

It's a bummer, because Joe is not just coasting based on immunity wins. His reward selection was genuinely savvy.

The No Collars are not going to get Pagong'd.

No movie has left me anywhere near as shaken as Zero Dark Thirty did.