Seven Costanza

I am 95% confident Aubry wins this thing.

Why not "I grew up on Star Wars"?

Schwimmer really came on strong.

I was in high school at the time and have always had an abnormal degree of anxiety about the prospect of my parents dying, so the first 40 pages of Heartbreaking Work just destroyed me.

Did the line reading on that bit sound off to anyone else there? Weird pause before "in an airport paperback."

Is that a MacGruber reference?

She lives among us.

Yeah Internet earned its pay today.

The beginning of this episode reminded me of meeting the other crash survivors in Lost.

I was thinking the white jurors would find out they couldn't watch Seinfeld because of the Jackie Chiles stuff. Easily circumvented, I suppose, by just watching episodes from earlier seasons.

Isn't that how last year's Oscars ended too?

I was in the Jeopardy! contestant pool, drove down from Nova Scotia to audition in Boston last fall. This is a real bummer.

Just likeā€¦

Watched "In the Name of the Father."

You ruined their moment.

If the jokes were funny they'd probably be more forgiving.

This is me, commenting, to register my disagreement.

Re: "pretty hot"

Interesting. If there's one facet of this film that seems to be receiving near unanimous praise, it's Driver. Deservedly so.

I actually think the original trilogy uses humor more than you might realize. Han is constantly joking around, and Yoda is played for laughs to some extent as well.