Seven Costanza

I vastly preferred Zero Dark Thirty to The Hurt Locker, and in my eyes it's the movie of the decade.

(so far)

Counterpoint: Skyfall is fucking awesome.

I think it deserves that top spot. The performances in that movie are just incredible—probably the best work Eisenberg, Timberlake, or Garfield will ever do.

I think Jeff would be stoked on a Jenn victory.

Is there a situation in which Rodney could conceivably win the game? F3 with Dan and Will?

I think the Kelly boot was the right call. Kelly was a savvy, personable, agreeable player who everyone in that Blue Collar alliance believed was on their team. By booting Kelly, you've gotten rid of every BC's indisputable ally and sowed the seeds of discontent between Rodney/Mike. Great great great move.

Alright, yes. Survivor editors, that was pitch fucking perfect people. I was most impressed with the way they seemingly manipulated the soundtrack, though maybe they always do this and I just noticed it for the first time tonight.

I didn't fall in love, and I still don't think she has a chance to win unless she's Final Three with Dan and Rodney, but Shirin had herself a night. That line at tribal—"I am not a swing vote"—that's good Survivor.

That is nuts. Dal?

Suppressive is the new 'lamestream'.

Wait what is this?

Haggis is incredibly compelling in this.

This is satire, right?

Xanthippe is maybe my favorite character on the show. Which I just can't believe.

How quickly we forget.

Jenn is like expertly designed for Jeff's adulation.

Powell actually had the upper hand on the neocons for the first eight months of the Bush presidency, then 9/11 happened and everyone was feeling hawkish enough to listen to the Rumsfelds and Rices.

Because Mark is familiar with the taste of rejection and bitterness?

Man, give me the overstuffed goodness of Return of the King anyday.