I'm a gentleman

I never got into him/ELP, but people I respect were profoundly changed by the guy. Ill be checking out The Nice this weekend as they seem more my speed.

*record scratch*…

I wish I lived in suburb like that.

Wait…which side was Electric Fetus on?


I'm thinking Death is playing for a fat contract now. Look for lazy slacker Death in 2017

Monkey Man and Dead Flowers are choice deep cuts.

I thought you meant that OTHER Minnesota oddball…Dave Pirner

"it's not a tumor"


Arkansas Poop Train was everybody's 4th favorite southern rock band.

All Power Pop all year long.

For those of you that only know Texas from tv…its all accurate. All of it.

I plan on reposting/stealing your comment A LOT this award season

As we used to say at B&N: Borders was a great music store.

Rock and roller cola war?

DQ country

Here's to 2017 then.

Being married to me is a fulltime job. So I've been told…

Maybe this is the year I get my shit together?