I'm a gentleman

The Alarm! I'm old :(

Yep. I stand corrected on the Biebs. The review for One Direction is the most Enthusiastic B review ever written. Transcendent, Snappy, Soaring, and striving for timelessness according to the reviewer. I must have mentally filed them together because radio pop ain't my bag.

Go easy on the unpaid interns writing headlines. It was a near miss in trying to encapsulate the humorous and clearly stated slant of the article: Christian Rock sucks here are your alternatives.

I wish I could find it for you. I read ALOT of AV Club last night due to heavy weather and a buffering Netflix. It is uh-mazing though.

About a month ago the review section had glowing reviews of No Direction and Justin Beiber. I was pissed that my taste in semi-obscure guitar rock wasnt being covered enough. Be patient.

Trust me. We can hang.

If I'm a typical Christian AV Clubber then no offense taken. Have you read the 7 year old pant shitting thread? THATS offensive.

Stranded, Priest, and 3rd are all in my Top 10 All Time Forever list. Tell me more more about this Jesus…

Not the Bryan Ferry from accounting?

Weird coincidence: I was thinking about changing my name to Rembrandt Pussyhorse.


Prometheus rants are why I started reading comments!

Control yourself


Corporate Rock Still Sucks…still.

Just curious but are a working musician still? Is it worth it?


Found it for $2.00

Was Air Miami Teen Beat?

Rack or stand? I believe in the power of strategic stacking and never knowing where anything is.