I'm a gentleman

I'll go a step further and say Allison Road is a great song. And if that's all they had in the tank, I'm cool with that.

They were really close to being a solid power pop band with a rootsy slant. They just didn't deliver.

REM and the Feelies + The Replacements and Soul Asylum = Toad the Wet Sprocket and Tonic. Somehow.

That basket is what we call "regular guy rock"

Weird, my comment was misplaced. I was commenting on an earlier post when you first brought up taping on the radio and YouTube comments.

No. It's the equivalent of breaking into a record store, and making tapes from their inventory. Taping from the radio was never comparable to where we are now.

Good call on the Bedhead. They're sorely missed around here. (TX)

Instant Coffee Blues for me.

This one hurts the most.

I was getting caught up on the Replacement's and Soul Asylum in 1991 but definitely remember Lloyd Cole's Don't Get Weird On Me Babe, and Screamadelica. It was a great but transitional year.

Upvoted for Woodface.

Great link. Much appreciated.

I don't struggle with the Captain America part. He in the movies is apolitical. He is coming from a military background and distrusts his governments intensions. Just like Eisenhower. You can say Eisenhower would be liberal by today's standards, but that would be a debate for me to learn from rather than participate

I'm going to reluctantly agree with you. When this thread began I wasn't satisfied with the gun control analogy. My analogy was cobbled together without having seen Civil War (still haven't)

Hopefully I'll have this theory nailed down this weekend after I see the movie I've been commenting on.

See, that's what I was thinking, but need to rewatch IM3 and Ultron.

Eh…maybe i have the Stark part wrong. I Concede.

But (I may be off base here) isn't stark still supplying tech to the U.S. Govt.?

No worries. Me sleepy. I'm sure I'm not articulating my thoughts well.

In Caps world his peers have been tools of the state to be ordered into action by the U.S., Soviet, or Nazi/hydra. It's an arms race. Even General Ross was guilty of participating. The Governments can't be trusted.
Stark continuously tries to build an Iron Man Missile defense program (Reagan)
If you view it as national