I'm a gentleman

I think gun control is the wrong parallel. If its a question of a possibly untrustworthy government having control of the heroes through registration and dictating when they can act, the analogy of the military industrial complex is closer. (Cap then becomes more cautious and liberal, Stark the arms dealer becomes the

Cap's an Eisenhower Republican. Stark is a neo-con.

That's a tough one. I prefered the busking in Deep Ellum version of band to the CMT/VH1 version 2.0 as well. I feel like if they hadn't taken a decade off after their pop fans declared war on them, they would've made up for their earlier poppy mistakes. They were already headed that way.
Totally agree with you about

Nice anecdote. Unfortunately the trad country/small press fans won't keep the lights on in Nashville.

Her dad is Lloyd Maines. Joe Ely's old pedal Steel player. She gets a pass because he toured with The Clash.

Damn. I didn't realize I "shouldn't of'd" maybe its a regionalism trap I've always fallen for. Like "fixing to"

Underrated band. Almost forgotten even in TX.

Police songs had tension. And Stewart Copeland. Totally different vibe.

Dads like the Police. Moms like Sting.

Somebody has make sense of all of his unreleased music now. I bet he saved everything.

What a beautiful funky little man.

I liked them live but never got around to the recordings :/

I remember the name. Worth investigating?

It's a such a cool heavy groove but totally organic.

Absolutely! I had a cd that included Car Wash Hair, that really balanced out the whole thing.

Delta Bottleneck is amazing

Weird, I heard a harmonica solo in my head when I read his name.

Agreed. There was such a glorious weirdo noise to the first two albums. Guitars that sounded like bugs and vacuum cleaners, amazing stuff.

Good.god. The sorority girls loved Tripping Daisy in college. Thanks for those memories.

Even though I wasn't a huge Hum fan, between them and the Poster Children I always figured Champaign to be a pretty cool town