
Sandra showing us why she is Queen such a great episode for her(I love Sandra she's my favorite player but its still kinda shocking to see her make it through two tribal council already beating my expectation lol) Tho I'm sad that the Sandra, Tony, Aubry and Malcolm Alliance did not work out that would have been a

she voted Aubry in case Tony had an idol

That Daryl and Carol scene at the was great their friendship is by far my favorite relationship on the show (I also see them as brother/sister). Melissa Mcbride continues to be great she's my favorite actor on the show (Lennie James and Norman Reedus would be 2nd & 3rd)

Its looking more likely that my prediction of David, Ken, Hannah final 3 is coming true with David winning (Adam is IMHO the dark horse in this race I can see him win but I think he will get 4th or 5th because he is a big threat in the game)

Great episode this season is turning out to be one of my favorites.
I hate rocks, I feels so bad for Jessica :(

Maggie Rhee <3 Nice to see both Carl and Maggie get their comic book storylines. Enid seems to be taking Sophia's role in the comics with her relationship with both Carl and Maggie.

I love that they are giving Carol Michonne's comic book storyline with Ezekiel. I love the chemistry between her and Ezekiel I can't wait to see more of it. I also agree that Carol and Morgan are the best character on the walking dead.

Michele>Aubry social game she annoyed people which is not how you play the game if you want to win(minor error Michele won 4 individual challenges) add the fact the most of the moves Aubry was a part of were Cydney's moves so her resume isn't exactly great(her biggest move was turning Tai to her side).

"Aubry clearly deserved to win" lol no she lost 5-2 her social game was no where near Michele's and everyone knows social aspect of the game is the most important part since you want the jury to vote for you in the end(Aubry was as portrayed more likable than she should have since according to interviews she was

The early episodes were not kind for Aubry she did not get a confessional in the first episode(which is unusual for a winner) and was portrayed more negative in terms of edgic then what a normal winner should be in the beginning.You can go to speculation section on sucks if you want to find out more about Aubry's

I disagree Cydney did more moves that impacted the game(which is why the recap gives her the credit) and Michele had a way better social game than Aubry(She actually really annoyed people according to exit interviews they probably did not show this because it makes Michele a less obvious winner or because Aubry might

Fun Fact Michele has the second most confessionals for a female winner(if I did my research correctly).

Yup Julia's jury speech impressed me, Julia in general was an interesting player to watch.

You just reminded me of that horrible name for the next season :(
I hope its better than Nicaragua because the concept are pretty similar but that season was so bad(except for Brenda and Naonka)

LOL you can tell who the people are in here that don't follow Edgic it was clear either Michele or Cydney (reddit and Survivor sucks figured this out)would be wining. Survivor in its essence is a social game and Michele won fair and square did not even need the twist to win 5-3(her personality is kinda boring tho)

My top 3 front runners have always been Cydney,Michele and Aubry but I'm expecting MIchele to win even tho I really want it to be Cydney(her personality and game moves made me really like her).

Where in the world did I say she deserves to win I know survivor is a social game. I said I wanted her to win especially since the person who I think wins(Michele) has such a boring personality That I never cared about her.

I have been saying for weeks that Tai is goat for a while now everyone should want to sit next to him in the end.Joe is so getting medevac because his edit is so awful lol.

Yup I'm still sticking to one of Aubry/Michele and maybe Cydney(I would love for her to win but she I feel like her edit puts her in 4th or 6th)

Even if they planned to cut Tai later on Tai should have risked staying with them since the only people Tai wins against were Scott and Jason. At this point he is expendable to his new alliances and even if makes final tribal(I can see it with his edit) he basically made himself a goat.