
This is the episode Aubry needed previously I thought she had a Spencer edit and I thought she needed a big episode to be a big winner contender and she got that here.

Do you go on survivor forums because there is a lot of evidence for Michele(even if I find her to be boring)

This is either Cydney or Michele's game to win according to edit/edgic I hope its Cydney but feel its Michele at least for now(this was not a great edit for Aubry its was mixed hell her whole season has been basically a story about why she loses if she is in the final 2)

I disagree with AV Club reviews for Gotham(I mean its typically is the the odd one out for Gotham reviews).Anyway Happy to see it get renewed one of my favorites comicbook superhero shows with Daredevil and Jessica Jones. Imao it improved a lot from season 1 which I thought was meh.

I'm not trolling(so many people always jump to this conclusion when people disagree with others people opinion) and who is this critic that said she is mesmerising(I would only use this word to describe oscar worthy actors) best I could find is that she was good.

No I mean that I don't consider tumblr critics and a lot of blog critics as legit critics. I disagreed with a lot of critics that I like on certain movies and shows.

Pretty funny comment but no since I find both actress's to be pretty meh I just happen to find Katie 's acting to be a little bit better(which is not a great achievement).

Bing is awful I would never use it and I am only looking at legit critics.

There's not a lot of review for this movie. All I could find for this movie is that the lead actor was really bad and only tolerable on screen when Caity was with him but I found nothing that said she was a great/good actress but I saw praise for stunts skill I need to dig some more. The only award I could find thats

While I would never call anything on this show bloody fantastic I do agree that was actually her best acting on the show( I thought it was decent)

You mean the movie that has score of 56/100 on meta critic and a low score of 6.6 on imdb must be a good movie. What award show is nominating her .

Christian Bale is a great actor he was great Bruce and good batman (minus that bat voice i know plenty of people and critics that hated it and lost overall points but still the best batman to date).

with her stunts skills I agree but her acting is just not believable at all to me.

I listen to different reviewers then you apparently(hope this does not come off as mean) sense to no one in the main cast is great at acting(except that actress that plays Moira she's pretty good).

Tell me a scene thats actually has good acting from Caity she so wooden and always leaves her mouth open. Acting in general is not a strong point on this show but then again its on cw. If this show was not about green arrow I would not be watching it. Also opinion can't be wrong since its subjective so get off your

This episode just highlighted to me how bad an actress Caity is especially in the island scene and while Laurel character still needs to be written better at least Katie is a decent actress especially when compared to Caity and Stephen(he just really bad but not as bad as Caity)