Nick K

At one point, they've all treated each other terribly, so I still stick with the couples I like! I was mad at April, but that doesn't stop me from liking the couple! Besides, they wouldn't have made her pregnant if they weren't going to find their way back to each other. Owen's relationship with Cristina was doomed

"Staple" meaning every show does it! It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad!

No…a way to keep her character alive, but not on as much! Her father may have gotten sick, maybe a family member from her mother's side, her sister Molly, Molly's husband, a job offer? Mark and Lexie had a better chance of keeping a stable long distance relationship going than Meredith and Derek!

An incredible amount of respect!

If you have a lot of patience and understanding, I salute you! Different religions and beliefs, yes, but not at all…unbelievable!

That's what I think!

You can't see the bride before the ceremony…knew it wasn't happening!

I love April and Jackson and I look forward to seeing how they change and work through their issues to find their way back to each other!

I love Jackson and April!

Jackson and April will work it out!

I never thought that people didn't like Jackson and April! They have great chemistry!

Bailey and Warren are sweet but not that long-standing or dynamic! Women want to try again a lot of the time!

I never liked or watched ER, so Grey's must be doing something different! They all copy each other! Bones and Castle do it too, but from what I've seen Castle's better!

All couples have problems and issues though! I think they'll find their way back!

I know…I always wonder about the kids and why they aren't at the hospital's daycare center! Zola must be in school! Is Bailey old enough for preschool? Ellis must have a nanny!

They'd better if she's not going to end up with Jackson!

I stopped watching Scandal at the end of the first season! It just didn't do it for me!

I love April and Jackson and I look forward to their journey back to each other!

I love Jackson and April and I think things will change!

The Derek flashbacks and new moments…I knew what was coming…and Lexie and Mark's goodbye and her death!