Nick K

Me too!

Jackson and April are nothing like Cristina and Owen…there's hope for them!

When Derek left town last season, I kept watching for Jackson and April!

No…they had way too much chemistry for me to see him as a brother for her! After the love scenes, I can't imagine not seeing them together anymore!

April and Jackson belong together and the baby will change both of them! I think they'll be able to make it work!

I love April and Jackson and they belong together! I think the baby will bring them together, but maybe not right away! A lot of things were in theory before, but a baby changes things, and I think they'll have to learn to work together, compromise, communicate, grow, and I think it will be a good storyline if that's

I want them together! I love them! I feel like they will change and grow and find their way back to each other! A lot of couples don't survive the death of a child, but they still love each other!

I loved Derek and Meredith, but I agree with the rest!

I think she could've left for a job and did the long distance thing with everyone like Derek did! It would've worked out a lot better with Mark and Lexie because their relationship was a lot different than Meredith/Derek! Maybe her father or her sister Molly got sick? Maybe her brother-in-law? It could've been done!

Like she said, Shonda would've figured out a way to make it work for her! I like that Mark and Lexie are together in some form now!

She screwed up! She never should've asked to leave! I don't like "Supergirl".

If they had made the choice to let Mark go earlier, they could've left together…maybe eloped!

I really didn't see the pregnancy coming until she told Arizona she couldn't drink!

It didn't have me fooled! The groom isn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding! I knew he wasn't the groom! Plus, he was trying to work things out with April and he still loves her, so he couldn't have fallen in love with anyone else!

A lot of shows had musical episodes before "Glee"! It's a staple!

Almost every show does a musical episode!

I love them!

I loved the musical episode! I wish we'd gotten more Derek/Meredith scenes, but I loved the Lexie/Mark scenes and the Teddy/Henry scenes!

I love Jackson and April!

They'll work it out and get back together! Once they have the kid and start compromising in real life instead of in theory, I think they can be happy together!