
I remember Resident Evil 6 being far more tolerable after unlocking the infinite ammo cheats.

Wow. Because murdering the developer wouldn't cause any further delays. There's some logic.

I agree with the POV switch to indicate Negan's victim. But since it was coming from the van, that narrows down our victims to the folks held captive in there.

Yes. Solid Snake told Raiden to call him Plissken. And he was also playable as Plissken in some of the game modes.

I completed my year 1 achievements, got my platinum, and retired. Had a hell of a good time with this game but quit as it is, and is now apparently even more so, incredibly addicting. What I miss most is the camaraderie in co-op and competitive modes alike. Raiding is incredible in this game and will always remain

I recall the phrase "visual jazz" being thrown out there by Lucas during some interview, in reference to the way the Star Wars films riff off each other, copy licks, and apparently "rhyme".

The Colbert Report had that aspect but it felt different because of the character he portrayed on that show. I assume he will be playing himself going forward.

Shoulder charge feels cheap, most of the time. Good fun for striker titans, though.

After watching the Alex footage, I will add the following Destiny tips:

I can't remember at what level multiplayer opens up in Destiny, but jumping in at that level is going to leave you at a distinct disadvantage because you will also want to have maxed out a sub-class for all the benefits those perks provide. Also, having one of the better exotic primary weapons will also help to

Fabulous. I'm glad to see what platforms it's being released on; no need to make concessions for last-gen hardware. It'll probably be buggy as hell anyway. I'm going to go pre-order.

Not a Bloodborne fan?

Shatter: awesome game, awesome soundtrack.

I just thought the agents of shield was a prequel to the Avengers, which is why that dude was alive. hmm. I obviously haven't watched any of it. How do they explain his being alive?

"And remember: get outside, get into nature, and make your own discoveries." - Dr. Scott

That is the same approach I took when playing the inFamous games. I think Festival of Blood was such a blast because the only approach was to go evil.

I absolutely love "Summer '68"! But I find "Wearing the Inside Out" to be unlistenable, especially on acid. Perhaps it's too moody, dusky, and unnerving for my taste.

Was that the one that looked like the front of a Wheaties box? It had the 45 inside that included Biz Markie covering Bennie and the Jets.

What I really want to know is if this game is basically farcry 3 but in a different setting…and with elephants.

I do love me some IT Crowd. Was not aware of The Day Today until now. Thanks for the info.