
Cool. That continuity between the versions is rather awesome. But it sounds like they are relying on the creativity of the community now more than ever.

It seems to me this series has always been more about the creation side than the campaign side. Even if you aren't interested in creating anything yourself, there is basically an infinite number of levels out there to explore. Yes, a lot of them are total crap but there is some pretty cool stuff out there, too. I

The ketchup adverts are usually pretty entertaining, too.

My wife and I have been doing the "pass the controller co-op" through the Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper games. It works out pretty well, although she likes to have the in-game camera left/right control the opposite of what I would prefer. We switch off levels or I just play the parts she doesn't want to play:

My personal deadline for owning a PS4 has now been determined.

Yeah, the weapon crafting had some pretty ridiculous options. Really added to the charm, and the gore.

I would put Dead Island into the 'bad game you love to play' category. I literally stopped playing it for a year because of it's technical flaws, but somehow managed to get sucked back into it. I think it was because the co-op started working or something; it's saving grace, really.

I tend to get addicted, one game at a time. Just not the MMO type of game, generally. I'm what you might call a completionist.

I have wonderful memories of my friend screaming in terror at various moments while playing this on GC. Capcom, please take my money.

WoW always seemed like such a commitment to me. I just couldn't bring myself to try it knowing what a potential time sink it was.

I played the hell out of it despite it's many flaws. Too much fun to ignore.

The death of The Death of Superman Lives is currently 13% less likely to occur.

I found the "aim with binoculars" technique with soul arrow very useful for taking out the poison statues from afar. Also, there is a bonfire very close to the boss that makes life easier. It sounds like you maybe didn't find that one. Edit: I see now from a previous post you eventually found said bonfire.

Looking forward to it, and the return to Rapture via the season pass.

This is very topical for me as I am currently playing the Bioshock Infinite. Slowly clearing out the back log.

Do you have any abandoned game concept and/or protagonist ideas, those that perhaps the world isn't quite ready for yet and you're willing/able to share?